
Showing posts from November, 2011

Is Money more powerful than Love...???

Money� Fifty years after you get married you find women with black hair sexy. Women walking without a stick gorgeous. Whoever that woman might be, she won�t be your wife. Not that your wife would care as you eye another woman from your freshly treated-from-cataract eyes. What she would care is whether she has to cry out hoarse for throat medicine or there is a nurse to take care of that. �Love makes the world go round but Money buys the tickets�� Maybe, love lasts a lifetime. Money lasts longer. It pays for your funeral. Falling in love is easy. Choose the sweet guy who sits next to you in class, or the girl who does as much as to talk to you, exchange numbers, sweet and dirty messages alike through nights and days. And BAAM!!! You are in love. So, what�s wrong? The analysis. Is the guy rich? Is the girl rich? Does the girl have a brother? What after thirty years? Will I be happy with a paunch where there was washboard abs before? Will I be happy when they sag? Will I be happy to see h...