
Showing posts from November, 2012

It's never too late...

I was talking to one of my closest friend; she was very upset about the way her relationship was going. She knew the fact that her relationship is not going anywhere still she was sailing through it. No wonder she has to face all those miseries. People often ask me, what is love? The fact is no one in this world knows exactly what love is all about. If they knew then everything would have been perfect in their life. But since everything has a loophole, so it is when it comes to love. People live their whole life with this misconception that love happens once in a lifetime, how it can happen once I always ask myself. We love our parents, our siblings, our friends so how does it happens only once in our lifetime? People have this habit of complicating their own life and then cry over it. But they often forget the fact that because of their deeds they are in any kind of situation. If they happens to be in a good situation then they are responsible for it, and for all the miseries they bla

to a true friend, a loyal companion

I am known for my weird dreams, since childhood I always had weird dreams and whenever I shared it with my friends nobody believed in those dreams. And so today I had one. The weirdest dream of my life. I was browsing Facebook when my mom called. As soon as I picked up the call I realized she was crying her heart out. She just said one thing and disconnected the call. It kept on echoing into my ears, �Rocky is no more with us.� He was my pet, a friend, a loyal companion and the most loved member of my family. I was numb after hearing such news; he was not well from past twenty days. He didn�t eat properly and he was kept on saline drips which made him weaker as the days passed. A month before he was full of life and he was the shining star of our family. From past ten years he was the part of our family and as I said the most loved by everyone. Tears started trickling down my cheeks and I broke down completely. I cried my heart out, screamed, yelled at God and went to sleep. While I wa