True and cute love story

Once there was a girl staying in a small village. She is a school teacher. Once her sister�s marriage fixed and she went to her sister�s engaged party. In the mean time she met a boy and he is known to her sister�s husband. The boy asked her excuse me; can you show me your mother please? She took him to her mother and her mother and that boy had some conversation. After some moment she feel something and she started liked him. The party w as over and they went their own destination. The boy also falls in love with that girl in her first look. He got the girls phone number from his friend. One day he proposed her and the girl said please give some time to think about this, because my sister�s marriage will be held on soon. Ok take your own time I am waiting for you said the boy. The girl said to her sister about this everything. Her sister said doesn�t fall in love with that boy. But the girl likes him, so she accepts him without her sister�s knowledge. This proposal goes for marriage. ...