The Best Dream of My Lyf That Faded Away....

Life is totally unpredictable and so is our fate. When you think that now it�s over then and there it slaps you and reminds you that it�s not over yet. Similar was my case because I took everything for granted but one day changed my life, just one day.
I never expected that things would change so dramatically between us but that day it did and changed my life forever. My girlfriend broke up with me or should I call her my ex girlfriend now. When I asked her the reason then she simply said, �It�s not working the way I want��
I met her for the first time when I was in Hyderabad through a common friend. Our first encounter was kinda okayish. I never thought then that someday she will become so important for me. I told you before you can�t take even a single thing in your life for granted. Within a blink of eye things can change. I remember the day when I proposed her; she was blushing though she asked me to wait for a week or so. Soon weeks turned into months and months into year but her reply never came. It was taking on my nerves and so after waiting for one and half year I finally decided to move on. Maybe she treats me just as one of her friend. And so I decided to move ahead in my life�
Two days later I received one message from her that brought a 70mm smile on my face but at the same time I was in a dilemma. The message said, hope u�ve nt moved on wanna talk�� The moment I read this message I jumped out of joy. Maybe it was my frustration or the happiness. I still don�t know what it was. I called her up at night and the same happened that I always wanted to happen. She finally said yes to me and yeah we were in relationship now.
One year passed by and things were going smoothly when one day she asked me something and I was speechless that very moment.
She asked me, when r u cmin to meet me�?� and I couldn�t say anything to her then as I was not sure when I would be able to meet her. However I decided to visit Mumbai (that�s where she lives) even though I had to lie to my parents. Besides meeting her the other reason to visit Mumbai was her mom. On 17th dec 2010 there was a pooja at her place as it was her dad�s first death anniversary and no one from her family was coming. So her mom asked me if I could be a part of it she would be happy. I didn�t give it a thought, next day I booked my tickets and I reached Mumbai on 17th morning.
When I was boarding the train she ordered me to call her when I reach Dadar station and from there she would guide me how to reach her place. So I reached Dadar station around 4am. Instead of calling her I called up my sister (who�s our common friend) to guide me as I wanted to give her a nice surprise. My sister asked me to catch some local train, get down at the respective station, take an auto for the address that she gave me and call her then. I followed her instructions and I was standing in front of my girlfriend�s apartment. I called her up and told that I am waiting outside for you, she came downstairs running and when I saw her the earth stood still for a while. I spent the best ten days of my life with her almost 24*7 we were together.
Finally the day arrived when I had to leave. I was busy packing my stuffs when she came to me and asked,Can v go for a walk?� I couldn�t say anything to her then I just nodded her and we went for a long walk. Before leaving she hugged me twice, I noticed there was tears in her eyes. I bade her goodbye with a flying kiss that her mom noticed and smiled. I promised her that I will come again as soon as I get a chance. I reached my home safely and spent the rest of my holidays at home. But then things were not the same, it started to change dramatically�
There use to be fights for no reason. She was busy when I needed her and when was there, her mood was not. This use to piss me even more and the argument use to get started which was followed by huge fights. Someone use to hang up the call every now and then. We were going through a rough patch and I wanted to resolve all our problems before Valentine�s Day. I couriered her a box of chocolates, a sweet card along with a love letter that I wrote for her. But unfortunately it didn�t reach her that day. After two days she finally got my courier and she was on cloud nine. She was happy and so I was but her exams were coming nearer. I had to stop calling her at night as she wanted to study. From 18th feb to 9th march I use to call her for hardly 5 mins or 10 mins.
Soon her exams got over and I was happy as now she would be able to talk to me properly but something else was written in our fate. Out of nowhere her brother came to visit her place and again I was not able to talk to her properly�
Again our fights had started, the same hanging up of call and we discovered a new thing within us and that was our ego. Ego was taking a toll on us and we were sailing through it.
It was just like another Sunday when I got another shock. She messaged me which said, I knw m dng wrng wid u, but dis has no future.. Its gng nowhere nd I want 2 end it. I want 2 conc on my studies nd other parts of lyf. Dat is possible only wen v part away. I cnt take it anymore. Plz move on�.�
I read this message and my hands were shivering. My heartbeat went faster and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I called her up but there was no response, I messaged her but her reply never came. Everything that I did for her and for our relationship started circulating in my head. Those moments we spent together, those sleepless nights when I use to skip my dinner so that I can recharge my phone and talk to her. The money that I saved to visit Mumbai. Those lies that I had to tell my parents because I wanted to meet her.
It took her few minutes to take such kind of decision and message me, but it will take my whole life to gulp it down my throat. I had to give up as I was helpless. I couldn�t do anything just kept staring at my fate. Sooner or later I will have to accept this bitter truth of my life. But one thing is sure that doesn�t matter if she comes back to me or not, nobody can ever take her place in my heart.
She wants me to move ahead in my life. Maybe she would be happy then. My fate has slapped me yet again and I am helpless. Life is so unpredictable. When you think that now everything is fine then this bloody fate always shows its true color.
The best of my life has faded away and I kept staring at my bloody fate�

There�s one thing, you�ve got to learn,
Life�s full of twist�s n turns.
You�ve got to break rocks in the hot sun,
For the tides to turn.
If there�s night,
Then there has to be dawn.
O-O-O Life goes on���


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