Coz It's Only About Love & Understanding...!!
I was waiting at the bus stop early in the morning and I saw a couple fighting. Things were getting complicated between them. The girl was crying but the boy kept on yelling on her. And then something happened that I think no one gets to witness at any bus stop that too in early morning. The boy slapped her hard and walked away. The girl stood their numbed and embarrassed. She kept on sobbing. I felt bad. I wanted to console her but that very instance the bus came and I couldn�t do anything. While sitting inside that bus I couldn�t help but kept on thinking about them. Every now and then my mind drifted to that very incident. Is this a way to behave?
Today you ask why your Love has turn unfair to you. You both were excellent when first met each other and fell for each other. The answer is that you were not close enough to point out goods and bads of each other. Your everything was good for the person and your Love�s everything was good for you. When you came closer then you realized how wrong you both were in judging each other. And now you think that you are not made for each other. The fact is that you�re correct when you both started off and now you�re wrong.
We make relations ourselves and it totally depends on us how to lead them. Some live for seconds, some live for minutes, some live for hours, some live for days, some live for weeks, some live for months, some live for years, some live throughout your life. And some even live when we die. Like Love, relations are eternal. It depends on us where we want to take them. Every relations need two fulfilments � Love and Understanding. The relations for seconds and relations that have both are eternal. Rest depends on Love to understanding ratio to the times been spent.
In a relationship neither boy is wrong nor girl. Both boys and girls are correct. They both have different thinking and level of mentality. And just because of this difference only relations suffer problems. And what I�ve observed in most of the relations is excess Love without understanding. Those relations are meant for seconds but long last because of limitless Love they have for each other.
Adopt a new religion for yourself � Humanity. It says � expect nothing and squander everything. Stop thinking what your Love is doing to you and give your best in return. The day you�ll make him/her realize your feelings for him/her, you�ll feel yourself above the world with the same person you Love. And that very same person will consider him/her to be the luckiest because of you; because of your limitless Love for him/her and because of your dedication to your Love for him/her.
People nowadays don�t understand the meaning of relations and just take everything as to be fun. When one gets someone�s proposal, one doesn�t think of anybody and accepts it to see how it leads through or because everybody around them are couples. Girls see handsomeness of boys while boys see the beauty of girls. But they never try to seek what lies deep within the heart of the other person. This physical attraction leads to breakups which further lead to disbelief in Love; Love � the purest relation of all.
I don�t say that the other person you Love is not pure by heart but you have to analyse the depth of pureness of his/her heart, and if he/she lacks somewhere then you have to fill it by yours. No relations on this earth are perfect, you yourself has to make it best by losing yourself to the person you Love. Try to control your nerves in harsh circumstances and if things still don�t work then depart yourself away from each other without telling a word neither to yourself nor to him/her and when things cools down, hug each other and apologize from within yourself. Like this, things will get better than they are right now. And you will win over problems to experience full pleasure of Love � the complete ecstasy.
Coz it�s Only about Love and Understanding�
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