No Pain, No Gain�

It was midnight, and it had been three hours since I was lying here, staring blankly at the sky. The sky was clear and I could see many stars twinkling and they were twinkling brightly. The majestic sea brought its own music, to complete the emptiness of the night. The waves gently touched my feet and the sand seemed cold. It was the night which was especially crafted for me. I got up, sat up straight and light up a cigarette when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see who the hell it was but it was too dark and 
I couldn�t make out until he sat beside me. I recognized his voice,

�What the hell are you doing here so late???� said Aditya


There was an eerie silence everywhere. It was the sound of waves which we could hear everywhere. It was a place where I could be alone, and at that hour it seemed like a no man�s land.

�Still thinking about her?�

�Hmmm Hmmm�� and I took a long drag

As I exhaled the dense smoke it gave me a feeling of immense satisfaction. I started feeling content about everything, what all was happening around me had forced me to put a fake smile on my face lately.

�What was the best thing you liked about her?�

�Everything�� and I took another drag and passed it to him

I know nobody is perfect, everyone has some flaws but we have to accept them with that flaw if we truly love them. We must overlook their flaws. And it was true I love her unconditionally, so what if she had to take this decision of ending our relationship, I still love her madly. She did this because she was under family pressure and the best thing that she was honest.

�Do you think she still loves you�?�

�Yes she does. She loves me more than her own self and that�s why she parted away from me because she thought about my future first. She knew if something terrible happened then I won�t be able to concentrate on important part of my life. She loves me more than I do, she loves me unconditionally��

It was a tough phase for me, time was testing us and we were sailing through it. It was a season which had no name; the motive was to live through. There is a famous saying, �No Pain No Gain��

�So what are you going to do now?�

�Fulfill her dreams��

Now the only thing that I wanted to do was fulfill my dream because it was her dream too. She wanted me to become a writer, more than myself she believed in me and she believed that I have that potential to turn this dream into reality. She was my strength and she was my inspiration, still she is. She is the only one who is always in the back of my head whenever I write about anything. And this was the only thing that I wanted to do. Fate has probably switched its side but I had a strong feeling that sooner or later it will come in my favour once I fulfill the dream that we saw together. Maybe this would sound foolish to many, but people who are in love or who have been in love would understand my situation.

I light up another cigarette.

�You are smoking a lot these days� you shouldn�t.�

I gave him a hard stare, he was right but I needed a companion and blue leaf was the only loyal companion I had. I took another drag and a tear rolled down my cheek. I got up, looked up at the sky and said,

�I still love you�� 


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