Moving on is the nature of Life...!!!

He would woke up each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as simple as it sounded and as impossible as it actually was, happy. By early afternoon he was overcome by the feeling that nothing was right, or nothing was going right for him, by the desire to be alone. By evening he was fulfilled: alone in the magnitude of his grief, alone in his aimless guilt, alone even in his loneliness. I am not sad; he would repeat to himself over and over, I am not sad. As if he might one day convince himself. Or fool himself. Or convince others--the only thing worse than being sad is for others to know that you are sad. Because his life had unlimited potential for happiness, fall asleep with his heart in his empty white room, that was no part of him at all. And each morning he would wake with it again, having become a little heavier, a little weaker, but still pumping. . .

Every day when he gets back from his college, he finds himself alone only with his solitude by his side, he feels lonely. He feels miserable; he would curse himself, his fate over and over. He would curse people around him for whatsoever reason. Always he has the urge to call her and ask her, how is she doing? Is she missing him the same way as he does? But he can�t, he has to stop himself and console himself, he explains this to his heart, �dude u have to be practical, a bit selfish too coz to survive in this materialistic world u have to become one of those...� And there goes a long fight between the evil inside him and the angel inside his heart... and then he closes his eyes and let himself drown in the arms of deep slumber, he feels good in his own world of fantasy... detached from the whole world, from all emotions, from all relations it�s just him there... and when he wakes up, again the cruel reality slaps him yet again and shows him that life isn�t a dream where everything will happen according to our choice, life is something else. In simple words, if you make it simple its simpler for you, if you make it complicated its complicated for you...

?People don�t understand one thing, which is a universal fact that someday sooner or later people are meant to leave us. We have to accept it the way it comes doesn�t matter what the situation was, how true your love was or how great friends you were? It�s the same in every case. When we go through a rough phase we keep on thinking about anything and everything in the most negative way possible. Hence we keep on attracting negative energy which is always present around us and make our life miserable. It�s true that if such things happen definitely we will be sad. But why do people ends up in depression? Why do they start smoking or boozing? Why do they think that they are the only one suffering? And why the hell they detach themselves from all emotions and relations of this world, let alone with their solitude.

Life moves on, doesn�t matter how rough is the situation one day there has to be dawn if there is night. Same way we should learn to move on, come out of the misconception that in a whole lifetime only once we can fall in love. I contradict this; you can fall as many times as you want. And people who tag you as emotionless or easy going let them do that, coz people who can�t move on in their life can�t do anything worthwhile. Life is all about moving on treasure the memories of your past and keep on moving till the time you are freed from this universe. One has to accept few things the way it comes. You can�t force people to be with you forever, everyone has a certain time limit in your life, they will stay till that time comes and then they will leave you on your own. Instead of brooding over it, make that time worthwhile for each and every person who is there in your life. And then see how your life will bloom.

No one is good and no one is bad, it�s the situations which sometimes turn them into an angel and sometimes into an evil. It�s not only you who has problem; there are over 7 billion people all over the world with 7 billion different fates. And each one of them has some issues with life. Nothing is perfect, if it was then there was no need of God or the power which balances the whole system the whole universe. Obstacles are a part of life, they teach us at every point of time. Whenever we face something out of the box then that means there is a need of learning something which we are actually lacking. And that�s how one gains experience, few takes it in a good spirit and use that negative energy to do wonders in life. And few use that negative energy to make their life more miserable. This whole universe works on the logic of law of attraction. There are both positive and negative energies around you, negative energies are more influential and it attracts you more compared to the positive energy. Its upto you whether you want to get influenced by it or not. Sooner or later everyone does or everyone has to that�s the law of nature but who comes out of it matters the most. 

"Life tests you to the core and in those battles you win some, you lose some."


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