It�s our Perspective, which matters the most�

�If you think, your game is over � It is.
If you think, you can win � You will.
If you think, you can�t do something - You can�t.
If you think, you can reach heights � You can.�

Life is all about how we make it. Our perspective matters the most. In all those tough times, our perspective holds the key to success. And when we succeed in achieving something what we always wanted to achieve then we grow. The number of obstacles you overcome is always proportional to a person�s growth. Why we grow the most in those tough times? The answer is quite simple. When everything seems fine, we don�t even bother to think about all such things. But when we are in trouble, we start evaluating our life, analyzing our hard work and wander in search of the key which will lead us towards the path of success. The more the struggle we encounter during the start of our journey the more comfortable our life will be. Everyone has to struggle in their life. Some do at an early age for some it comes quite late. If that phase comes in your life at an early age then remember that the rest of your life is spent in a more matured and proper way. You will know exactly how to deal with tough situations, how you will survive in those calamities. That�s because at an early age you have learnt a lot about life, and then we start looking at our life from then on with a new perspective, a new angle. The perspective to lead a life, which we get after fighting those tough situations and surviving in those critical conditions. But if we struggle late in our life then our life gets disturbed. Life moves with a flow and if the flow is disrupted by anything very unusual then the whole life gets disturbed. Now the question will arise, is it in our hand? Can we control the outcome? No, not at all. Then is it our luck factor which count at times? Not exactly.

It depends actually upon many parameters. One among them is the way we are brought up. If someone has been brought up in tough situations, immediately they understand the aim of their life. If you have nothing with you, then you have a thirst to get what all you never had. But if someone was born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth, for most of them it takes some time to realize this fact of life. It�s not the mistake of a person till certain age if he/she doesn�t quite understand the need to struggle in life. It depends on their upbringing. But after certain age what happens is they actually don�t want to believe in the fact that sooner or later they have to struggle if they want to make a life on their own.

Life has many shades; each of them teaches us a lesson. It depends on how we perceive things in life. It also gives us signs at times, helps us when we are in trouble, it always supports us. But we always ignore the signs, never see the help that is always coming our way in many different forms and never believe in the support that we get. Why do we fall? Sometimes life leaves our hand to make us fall on the ground only to make us realize the fact that you can�t fly for long if you don�t know how to walk. In order to make us realize few things life leaves our hand mid-way and baaaaaam! We fall, we come crashing to ground and meet our new friend - Trouble. This new friends of ours plays with our mind, test our will power; check our limits and most importantly the thirst to do something in life. And when our new friend is satisfied and content with us then he drops us at our place yet again called Life.

Trust your instinct, have faith in yourself and then you will see how your life will blossom in front of your eyes. Dark clouds will always hover around and every time it does, we have to go out there in search of the shinning sun which will take us out from the tough times and guide us to a new direction, a new path. But remember it will only guide us; it�s us who will have to walk all long. Life is what you make it, and in that process it�s our perspective which steals the show�


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