Chennai Rains�

I don�t know when I fell in love with her�

Since my childhood, I don�t know why but I never liked Chennai very much. And that was the only reason I never wanted to come to Chennai to pursue my graduation. But things never work the way we always want. And I ended up here. The first impression like many others was the same � �hot and humid.� Initially I even faced a bit of language problem. But in few months I got used to it. And I never realized when I was dissolved into this city. It�s been three years now and no wonder I want to leave this place as soon as I can. But deep down even I know, when I will say goodbye to this city I will miss my days here. It has given me those moments for which I had craved so much. This city has taught me so many things in past three years. I have grown as a human being and I can say that I have so many moments which I can treasure in my heart forever. But one day I will have to leave this city, leave this place and move to another. That�s the law of nature. To reach where we always aspire to see ourselves, we should always keep on moving ahead without looking in the past. And when that day will come, then who knows I might not even want to leave everything that I have earned here and go away. Summer and Monsoon has been special for Chennai because here we don�t see any other climate. And during the monsoon season, it�s quite amazing to go for a drive around the city. 

In past few weeks, she has made a special place in my heart. Now when only six months are left, I have started liking this city. And adding few spices has been the lovely unpredictable rain that this city has. Never before in the past had the rain seemed so lovely to me. Never before in the past had the sea breeze at night seemed so cool. The climate is quite unpredictable here. It will be a hot sunny day and in a blink of your eye it will start raining heavily. And I have been its victim on many such occasions leaving me completely drenched and content. Why it�s like this way? When the time is near of my departure, why this city is suddenly attracting me towards it? Was this the same way before or it took me so much of time to understand it. Or things have changed with time? Whatever it is, the lovely rain has made its special place in my heart. And I guess I�m falling in love with her� 


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