I Too Had A Love Story...

�Why won�t you let me die?� she asked him

He stayed quiet. Never in his life had he thought about this day. Not even in his wildest of dreams had he thought that someday he will see her in this condition.

�I want to put an end to my sufferings. I can�t live like this anymore. Why don�t you say anything? I am tired of all this. The pain has worsened with time; you can�t keep me alive for long. Its time when you free me from all the pain, free my soul.� she said

�Do you remember the day I left you; I left a part of me that day with you. I tried forgetting you, tried hating you but I couldn�t. I thought that I had lost you forever. But after two years you again came in my life. However the situation has changed drastically now and I don�t want to leave this chance. I don�t want to live my life with guilt. I want to try, give it all I could, to save you. If I let you die today, I will have to let myself die here with you then. I am not doing this for you; I am doing this for my life.� he said

With that tears started trickling down her cheek. He wiped it with his hand and left her alone in the ICU.

�I have always loved you�� she shouted as he walked out of the room.

 He went downstairs, sat on a bench and he broke down. He couldn�t control his tears. He never thought that his one decision would take someone�s life. The whole flashback replayed in his mind, he felt a pat on his shoulder which brought him back into reality.

�I can�t let her die. I have to save her at any cost.� He said more to himself than to the doctor.

�You have done a lot for her; she has no complaints from you. But her condition is very critical and you have to understand that. We all are doing all what we can do to save her life. But if she is not willing to fight then I am afraid we won�t be able to help that much.� Doctor said

�Please save her, I lost her already two years before. I don�t want to lose her again.� He said

The doctor held his hand and said, �We are trying hard. But the excessive dosage of drugs has made her body weak. She doesn�t have the immunity in her body to fight. It has damaged many parts of her body. And her addiction has reached that level that after every now and then we have to keep her on sedatives. I want to know what happened to her.�

�I know her from past 5 years, we were in relationship. I broke up with her two years before, the reason being a misunderstanding. One of my friend, Anamika, she was very much obsessed about me. I liked her as a friend but she expected love. When I proposed Ananya, she was very jealous of her since that day. And later on she created a situation where Ananya was proved disloyal towards me. However that was all a part of the plan which was knitted meticulously by Anamika, Ananya was not aware of anything neither was I. Unaware of the plan I was made to meet Ananya urgently and what I saw left me shaken. Ananya was totally unaware of what had just happened and immediately she tried to make me understand the simple fact that even she was a victim of the same plan which Anamika made to separate us. But I didn�t listen to what she had to say and I broke up with her. Ananya tried to bring me back in her life but that never happened. I left the city soon enough, and Ananya was left alone. She started smoking and boozing. Later on she started going out for rave parties and ended up becoming a drug addict. I got to know all this from a friend of mine, but it was too late then. When I came back to this city, one night I saw Ananya lying unconscious outside a small pub late at night and I brought her here. She loved me a lot, I should have trusted her. But I was stupid. I saw what Anamika made me to see and all hell broke loose.� He said

�Did she stay with her parents?� the doctor asked

�No. She stayed in a hostel. She was in my college; she came here to complete her graduation.� He said

�Do they know about her condition?� the doctor asked

�Yes, I have informed them. I told them that she has met an accident. They will reach here by tomorrow.� He said

�What happened in your past is not the justification of what is happening now. Ananya couldn�t bear the pressure of your break-up, but ending up as a drug addict is not justified. You must stop blaming yourself now. If you don�t forgive yourself now then you will end up spending a life full of guilt and regret. Few things are meant to be in such a way. No one has a say in front of the laws of nature. She knows that you blame yourself for her suffering. And that�s why she wants to put an end to her sufferings. If you don�t free yourself now, then she won�t be able to free her soul. You love her is a fact but the chances of saving her is almost negligible is also a fact. And life is based on facts. And now I shall leave you in peace but reflect on my words if you think it�s worth it.�

And with that the doctor left for his home as his shift got over. He got up from the bench after a while, went upstairs, and entered into her room to find her sleeping. He held her hand, kissed on her forehead and whispered into her ear, �You are gonna live, don�t worry.�


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