Like a flowing river�

Sometimes life surprises us when we don�t expect things to happen. And same was the case when I saw her on the beach. Out of the blue, she just appeared in front of my eyes. The waves kissing her feet, wind playing with her hair which was covering a part of her beautiful face was an exotic scene to watch. She seemed annoyed by the wind which every time played with the curl strand of her hair and made it come over her face. But she was enjoying playing with the waves. I was sitting at a distance and at that moment for me the people, the majestic sea, the wind, the blue sky, the cloud, the whole world ceased to exist. All I could see was a pretty face with mesmerizing pair of eyes in which I was completely lost now. In front of her rosy lips even the rose would itself feel shy. It was not like she was the only one beautiful girl on earth, but still there was something about her which was attracting me towards her, something which filled the space in my heart. With every blink of her eye my heart skipped a beat. I have never noticed anyone so carefully, so elegantly before and it was quite late when I realized that I was gazing at her like a stupid. She saw me gazing at her many times but I was in my own world of fantasy. Though I felt like an idiot there but when she passed a smile to me I was on cloud nine. I could see stars in broad daylight, violins playing in the background and music that the wave gave made a perfect evening for us. Her kohl lined eyes and the lively smile pumped my heart with feelings that I have never felt in past few years. She was like an angel who appeared out of nowhere and then everything ceased to exist. It was hard to describe her, someone who was so perfectly carved by its creator. It seemed as if she was the most loving creation of the creator. I tried not to gaze at her but I couldn�t resist.

And I was so lost in her that I didn�t even realize when she was standing right in front of my eyes. And when I realized that I tell you, I was really embarrassed.

�Why you have been staring at me?� she asked me

Her voice was sweeter than honey. My heart beat grew even faster now and I was at a loss of words.

�Hello!!!!� she said again

�Because I have never seen anyone like you before in my life.� I said

And she smiled. I knew one thing for a fact that she was on cloud nine already. But I was not trying to impress her. True it was that I never saw anyone so beautiful, so lively ever in my life. With every second passing by I was getting drowned in the ocean of her eyes. In the vicinity of her aura my heart skipped a beat every time she blinked.

�Who are you?� she asked me

�I am someone who has just fallen for you�� I said

And now she was blushing, her cheek was blood red. I don�t know how it was happening but such lines were coming out of my mouth on its own. I was not even nervous now.

She was like a flowing river, so elegant, so beautiful, and so lively that I wanted to keep her in my heart forever.

�Hiii, I am Angel.� She said

I opened my eyes and I saw a beautiful sunrise from the window of my room. I got up from my bed, �it was a dream� I reflected!


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