The road ahead seems blurry�

In the journey of my life so far, never I got anything so easily. For everything I had to fight, after every little moment of success, I have faced endless nights of failure. Nothing came in my life so easily. Whenever things seemed to be easy, they always kept on changing quite dramatically. But I never gave up. I kept on walking the path of life, always played with the struggling phase in the hope that someday I would shine.

But now things seem to be different. The state of mind is very disruptive. The mind gets deviated; the chain of thoughts is often left incomplete. Often I feel weak, often my soul cries. �Why� is the only thing which circulates in my mind. They say, always keep a positive frame of mind and move ahead in life. But this part of my life is taking a toll on me. This part of my life is called, �the confused part.� Everything is blurry, nothing is clear. Every time my fate is trying to knock me down. I am tired of getting up every time now. The journey which I started long back in the quest of the shining sun seems to be going nowhere now. I am tired of the dark hours of night now. I don�t know when my life will see the face of a shining sun. Every now and then something pops up into my life and changes its dynamic. Why can�t I get things easily like many others? Why I have to fight for each and everything? They say, the more you face obstacles the better life you have in future. But the future seems blurry now. Life has always been unpredictable in my case but I need a break from all this now. I don�t know when that day will come, when I will be able to set my mind free, laugh aloud, live freely and dance on the tunes of life. I don�t know when the fate will switch its side in my favour again. I don�t know when my luck will become my lady love. I don�t know when my hard work will be finally paid off.

Everything seems new, everything seems uncertain, everyone seems strange and all I could see around is pain, regrets and sorrow. The pain of failure, the regret for not taking the advantage of the opportunity and sorrow for not having luck in my favour. People will say, start extracting positive things from this phase, it�s a learning experience for you and all you have to do is keep yourself pumped up and move ahead. It�s true we have to accept things and move along with life but I am tired of everything now. If you see from my point of view, you can�t see anything at all. The road ahead seems so blurry now�


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