Don�t think. Just do!

Yesterday I was browsing Facebook as usual when I came across a link, which had a ten minute talk given by Varun Agarwal (co-founder of Alma Mater and an Author). I plugged my headphones in and listened to what he had to say for the other ten minutes. And by the time his talk was over I could reflect on his words. He said when you think too much you end up analyzing the pros and cons of the specific situation and most of the times you don�t go for it. But when you don�t think about something and just jump into the pool of something you want to do, without giving it a thought what would be the consequences and where that may lead you to, in those cases you come out with flying colors. You conquer what you never thought you could. Hold on for a minute and just rewind your tape of life. And analyze. Every time you ended up doing something without thinking, wasn�t it was worth it? And same for those things which you did after spending a lot of time thinking about it and also those things w...