Don�t think. Just do!

Yesterday I was browsing Facebook as usual when I came across a link, which had a ten minute talk given by Varun Agarwal (co-founder of Alma Mater and an Author). I plugged my headphones in and listened to what he had to say for the other ten minutes. And by the time his talk was over I could reflect on his words. He said when you think too much you end up analyzing the pros and cons of the specific situation and most of the times you don�t go for it. But when you don�t think about something and just jump into the pool of something you want to do, without giving it a thought what would be the consequences and where that may lead you to, in those cases you come out with flying colors. You conquer what you never thought you could.
Hold on for a minute and just rewind your tape of life. And analyze. Every time you ended up doing something without thinking, wasn�t it was worth it? And same for those things which you did after spending a lot of time thinking about it and also those things which you didn�t even try after thinking too much for it. Life is too short for those who wanna do something big. If you don�t have big plans for your life and you just want to live like how everyone else are living then this will never bother you actually. But if you are a man who has got some plan, then never ever give up.

More than 70% of the people in this world don�t really know what they wanna do with their life. You should be happy that you have realized the fact that you have a dream. That�s the first and most important step. Once you take the first step, you know what you really want in life. And then you just have to follow a path. It�s true the path will be full of obstacles, fate won�t be in your favor, everyone will try to knock you down but you have to keep on walking. Doesn�t matter whether the path is full of thorns or flames you just have to walk through it. Face whatever comes your way, taste the series of failures you will hit on to, tolerate the pain that will come your way in such a way that after a while you start loving that pain. And when you succeed in doing so, victory will be yours.

Because as they say, it�s not about how hard you are hit, it�s about how hard you get hit but you keep on walking. Life isn�t a bed of roses anyway, whether you start now, don�t give up on your dream or else do what everyone wants you to do so that later on in life when you will be at the door of your death you won�t die in peace because you will have that one regret in life that you couldn�t follow your dreams. You may end up making loads of money but internal happiness will never be there. Money is everything but inner peace is something which it can never buy. There are chances that you may end up losing many people from your life in the course of living your own dream but when that happens just think this way that in order to get something in life you always have to pay its price. It�s not about the courage to walk on that path; it�s about the will to sacrifice all those precious things from your life which use to hold a great meaning in your life. You will be always alone when you decide to follow your dreams and in that journey if someone is there for you then always remember they are the only ones who really want you to do something.

This world is made by us. You have to plant your own seed, nurture it well so that one day it will also give you the fruit for which you have been waiting for. People give up on their dream in most of the cases and they never knew that they were just one step behind their dream. If they could have just taken that one big step then they would have achieved what they always wanted. Most of the time, people start their journey in the search of their own dream and on their way they fall in love with someone. And they think they love that person so much that they can give up on their dream so that they can marry each other. I mean seriously? You will give up on something so easily. How you can forget those days when all you use to do was meticulously knit your dream. And after spending so much of time on something you give up on them and that too for someone who just came into your life. C�mon this is not how it should be like. People say love is not everyone�s cup of tea. True that. But let me tell you something. Nothing is bigger than following your own dream. You need guts you take that path where you know odds will be against you but you know you will face it. You need will power to sacrifice those things which everyone will be getting initially and you will be struggling with your life. You need to be strong, more of mentally because you may be ditched by many, you may be left alone, you may get isolated but you have to face it. That�s something which is way bigger than anything in this life. And if that person really loves you then he/she will never leave you. Instead they will wait for you, for that day when you will come back after conquering what you always wanted to conquer. And that day you will have both things in your life � Money as well as inner peace.

Have faith and Follow your dreams. Because that�s something which is yours.


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