It�s Their Right, Don�t Take It Away!!!

To the entire world we are known as hypocrites. A country where they will talk about a lot of things, but when the time comes to take a stand over it, to exercise those things then we always tend to back out. And to avoid it, we will back it up by connecting the religious part of our culture and irrelevant logics. Four years ago when the Delhi High Court passed its judgment over the Gay Sex issue, by making it legal it certainly won people�s heart. But when yesterday the Supreme Court changed the whole dynamics in the court of law by decriminalization of Homosexuality, expected celebration turned into dejection. Under the Act of 377, it is now a punishable offence, if offended by a person of any age, religion; community will be proven guilty in the court of law and will be given life sentence as its punishment.

They quoted homosexuality as something which is inhuman and unnatural. Now just tell me one thing, who on earth are we to decide whether Homosexuality is an inhuman and unnatural act or not? And if they have their right to question the creation of God then where their conscience went when girls were being raped every now and then, in the most inhuman and unnatural way? Who gave then the rights to pass such kind of judgment that if any juvenile has been accused of rape charges then it is not a punishable offence in the court of law?

Homosexuality is not something which people chose after growing up; they are born in a particular way which defines them. And if we call India as a democratic country then in democracy no one has the right to question anyone with whom they want to be with and with whom they want to have sex. It is a black era for democracy (if at all that exist anymore). It�s an individual�s right according to the constitution of India, which allows us to live freely in whichever way we want and with whomsoever we want.

Having said that, four years ago when Gay Sex was made legal, it opened up the doors for medical science to explore a whole new level in their field, but after this judgment given by the Supreme Court, it has not only abolished the Human Rights but also it has closed the doors for the medical science to evolve beyond our imagination. This has taken us 200 years back again. And if that�s the case then tear apart the book of Kamasutra and demolish the temples of khujaraho which depicts the same sex love as well. Till when we will shy away from such issues which is life for over 7-8% of the country�s population. What is the harm in giving them their rights to love and marry? If your son is gay then why can�t you accept him in the way he is? After all he was born this way, what was his mistake if he is a gay? Why we want them to be ashamed of themselves? Why we want to make their life living hell? Why we want them to live their entire life in a closet? Why can�t we think in a more matured way? Who is Supreme Court to decide people�s personal choice???
If a person is gay, put them in jail. But the people who all are eating our nation, who all are corrupted can live freely. Obviously this has invoked a new revolution, to stand united and fight against the rights of our friends. Lifetime imprisonment for loving someone is not justified at any cost. 

And as Pope Francis has quoted, �if a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him?� How can you make this issue as a crime?

And if we look at the history, evolution has been the major things happening around in our world, in nature. If that would not have happened then no human race would ever existed in this world because even we are evolved from Apes. Change is the law of nature, to balance the world we have to change us with time. And this is the time to appeal against the judgment of the Supreme Court, stand united for their rights and bring a change in our society which let everyone live in the way they want without any fear, harassment and violation of Human Rights. I hope to see, the new world again. I hope to see Supreme Court taking its judgment back. I hope to see when Homosexuality is not a crime anymore and it has been accepted by every one of us. . I hope to see people of my country waking up from their deepest of slumbers and act against what is going wrong. Because someday we have to accept that it�s not in our hand to hold someone�s life and respect the creation of nature.


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