When I look back�I feel good!!!

I wanted to do this long back when that day arrived, when the clock ticked twelve and the whole world was busy celebrating the New Year in a hope that with this new beginning new hopes would arrive in their life. Since I was unavailable I couldn�t do what I always wanted to do. Blog about the entire year experience compiled in a nutshell and post it as soon as the clock ticked 00:00.

When I look back today, the year 2013 has been the most exciting year of my life so far in which I had experienced a lot of things which in some way has made me a good human being, changed the course of my life and gave a new perspective to look at life. When the year 2013 started, that time I was busy expanding our online magazine Wake India Now (WIN). We wanted to reach out to as many people as we could and hopefully to a certain extent we succeeded in achieving that. I had experienced the thrill of life in the entire year whether it was chilling out with friends in places like Goa, Pondi, Bangalore or getting rejections after rejections in all the interviews I went in. When all my hopes was lost somewhere, deep within I knew that sooner or later I am going to make it. It is just a matter of time. I received over ten rejection letters from different publishing houses where I had sent my book for getting published. It took me almost three and a half years to complete that book and in one stroke it felt like as if my whole effort was going into vain. And then suddenly on one fine evening in the month of February the sun winked at me and I got a green signal from one such publishing house who were actually glad with my work and wanted to work with me on my book. However I was asked to wait and whole year went by in the wait, the wait for the final confirmation, the wait for that one mail saying we would like to publish your book. However the wait is still on and I hope that day will arrive very soon in my life when I will have what I always dreamt of. 

Life is unpredictable and it was throughout the year 2013. Whenever I thought that now things were falling back to its right places, always it was erupted by the truth of life leaving my hopes in despair. Every day was passed thinking when this phase will get over when I will see the shinning bright sun, when life will surprise me with its surprises when I will see the light in the end of this endless tunnel. From feeling loved to be left isolated, from being angry to jumping out of joy over small small things, I have experienced almost every feeling existing in this world. And now when the year 2013 is over, I feel glad about it. I feel glad about all those happiness that came into my life, be it small or big. About all those tough times when I was sailing through the rough sea standing tall in front of every storm and getting up every time after being fallen. Moreover the fact that I had spent one more year of my life chasing my dreams gives me the immense feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

I feel glad about every little mad thing I did. I feel glad about all those meetings with people whom I came across. I feel glad about all the decisions that I made which somehow brought my life to a right path and a step closer to my destination. And whatever bad happened should be left from the past and making sure that we learnt from it, learnt about those mistakes that we committed hoping won�t be repeating in future.
And with that hope I would like to share a very nice quote which says,

�Enjoy your youth. You will never be this young again ever in your life. So sit back, relax and take a deep breathe��


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