Wish I could become a kid all over again�

After sometime when the clock will tick 00:00, I will turn twenty three years old. Another amazing chapter of my life will get completed and a new chapter will begin. Every ending is the start of something new. I have come across many such people in my life so far who always say that they don�t believe in celebrating their birthday�s just because they think that one year from their life will get reduced and they are one step closer to their death. There�s always two ways of seeing things like how there are two sides of a coin, two faces of people and so on� but if you see this from a positive perspective then you have lived one more great year of your life, you have sailed through all those storms and danced to all those tunes of life so far successfully. As I always say, it�s our perspective to look at things which matters the most which makes you different from the crowd. However if I were granted a wish then I would love to become a kid all over again. I miss being a kid now, I miss all those pranks, all those fun and most importantly I miss being carefree about the world and do what I always wanted to do.

If I wanted to become superman all it required me to do was tie a towel around my neck and jump off the bed imagining that I was flying like him. That time everything seemed so simple there was no space for any logical explanations or practical possibilities in life over which we break our head now. Now if we got to do something we have got to think about it �N� numbers of times analyse all the possibilities, note down all the worst case scenarios and then end up saying, �I don�t think so this is practically possible.� Or �you are not being practical man.�

As we grow up, we are burdened with hell lot of responsibilities, expectations of people and most importantly fear. We are not grown-ups. We are a bunch of unsecured people who don�t have believe in their will and who do not want to take risks in life. Because we believe that might spoil our comfort zone. When we were a kid, all we wanted to do was to grow up so that we can put our dreams into reality, so that we can let our imagination fly and fly above the sky. Turn our fantasy into reality. Because back then everyone use to shut us up whenever we tried making our point saying, �you are just a kid what do you know about it?�

And as we grew up, the burden of responsibilities and living up to everyone�s expectation started putting us into a fix and we started living our life more in fear than the fantasy which once use to rule our mind all the time. As I will turn one more year older after sometime, I wish that I live my dream, which I have been knitting so meticulously since childhood and chase it until I have it in my life. I don�t want to turn into some grumpy man who always broods over things. Instead I want to fly above the sky and push myself quite hard until I reach my destination. And on that note I would like to quote,
Don�t let that naughty kid inside you fade away from your life, that�s the only thing which brings you back into life��

Happy birthday to me�


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