Valentine week: #4 Ooopppss I fell in love�

Today I confess one thing about this valentine week, posting real life love story every day is not a cup of tea as I thought it will be. And how I have missed posting two stories twice this week. Today I was supposed to share story number six for this week and end the week tomorrow with the final story. However I promise you all that I will be sticking to my word and by the end of this valentine week you will have seven real life stories to reflect upon, or who knows even more.

There is a small story behind this story which I am going to share. I was quite clueless after sharing three love stories, I was clueless about the fourth one. I won�t kid you, I really was short of few stories so that I can compile this week with seven love stories. And I had gone to Bangalore for few days where I met a friend of mine from school days and he shared his love story which was intense as well as quite interesting and then something flickered into my head and a smile flashed over my face. Yes I got the other one was my first thoughts. So let�s not beat around the bush and come directly to the story�

It was during those times when internet became a fashion, social media was something which was really new in our world and everyone was crazy about Orkut. People used to be so active on Orkut, and feel so happy checking their scraps, testimonials, comments and community. It was an extension to their same life. It was something unusual, something different and that feeling gave immense pleasure to so many people. When they could re-connect with their childhood friends, relatives it was a beginning of a whole new era. And that was the time when a guy named Amit met Tanvi over Orkut. Before you start expecting that they fell in love as soon as they came across each other then I am sorry to disappoint you. The case is very much different from what you have thought so far. Amit was a kind of guy who was not bothered about getting into relationships or flirting around with girls. Although he was not even gay. He was in ninth grade at that time. And his thoughts were completely different back then, if I am supposed to put this in some way then he was someone who would run away from the spot if any girl spoke to him. He was way too shy when it came to talking with girls, and moreover he was too busy in his happening life to even care about having girlfriends unlike his other friends who were literally going gaga over girls. So one fine day he came across this girl Tanvi in one of his community on Orkut, and they started hating each other from the very first day. Neither of them knew the reason, it was a feeling of hatred, something which came naturally to them about each other. Whole day both of them used to be busy knocking each other down and one of them would win at the end of the day. And the next day was followed by the same thing all over again. This continued almost for the next two years, when one day Amit decided to keep everything aside for a while and talk to her. Because he had too much of fights with her and he was literally done fighting in his life. He had never fought with anyone so much before in his life. And when he began talking to her, she was confused why all of a sudden Amit was talking to her so nicely. And in this confusion of their changed behaviour towards each other was the reason behind the start of their friendship.

And with the start of their friendship, Facebook became quite famous and took over Orkut. Things were upgrades, from scraps to wall, and a much more secured account with so many different applications and games attracted more people towards it. And so they shifted their gears and began chatting with each other almost daily. It used to be a normal conversation, trying to know about each other well. Most of the time both of them had the same feeling that they were so wrong about each other before when all they used to do was fighting with each other like cats and dogs. And it gave them a chance to unveil the other side of each other which both of them liked and their friendship was being nurtured quite well. After two years of fighting around it took Amit another two years to ask her number. He was damn too shy to do that as well as quite scared. Several thoughts used to keep circulating in his head, questions like what If she says no, what if it ruins our friendship used to disturb him a lot. But somehow he even managed to do that one day. He asked her number and she gave him without asking about anything. And then he realised what kind of dumbass he has been all this while breaking his head over so many things. He never thought it would be so easy to do that. It just required a bit of confidence. However they hardly used to call each other. And after passing his 12th grade he went to Bangalore and joined an engineering college. She was still in Delhi. While going back to his hometown from Bangalore during his vacation he met her for the first time on Delhi airport. He asked her if she could drop by to meet him as his connecting flight was from Delhi. She didn�t hesitate a bit and turned up on the airport. While in his head, it was another fight going on with so many thoughts which made him quite nervous. As this was the first time in his life he was going to meet any girl alone. So he had to be impressive as well as confident. But she knew how Amit was and she made sure he felt quite comfortable in her company. It was a nice time spent together and then he boarded his flight for his hometown.

Once he was in his hometown, they started talking with each other on Facebook, Skype, text messages, everything which was available. But they never called each other. They always wanted to but always left it on time. And one day suddenly he got a message from her which said, �Why didn�t you say anything last night when you had called me?� and he was confused. He checked his dialled list immediately to find her number in the middle of night. And he realised maybe while sleeping he had pressed call button. But what a coincidence, he might have pressed the button while sleeping but the thing was why only her number out of so many in his contact list. So he decided to call her that night and explain her what happened with him last night. That was the first time they were going to talk over phone, and they ended up speaking with each other for the whole night. Both of them were enjoying each other company so much that neither of them even thought about the time. And when they checked the time then they realised that they have spent the whole night on phone. And since then it became their habit, with every day passing by they started spending a lot of time with each other. They started sharing everything that used to happen with them during the whole day, discuss minute problems and other issues of life. And that was the time when they realised how comforting it was to be in each other�s company.
And one day during their one of the conversation she asked him something out of the blue.

�Can I come to Bangalore to meet you?� said Tanvi

�What? Really? Yes sure come if you can.� Amit said

�You know something I have never experienced a kind of life that you live, away from parents, sneaking into hostel at late nights, having fun with friends, going on long drives. I want to experience it all. So I want to come there and spend some time enjoying my life with you.� Tanvi said

�Hmmm. What I can say? I would just say one thing, if it is possible for you to come then do come to Bangalore.� Amit said

And suddenly a week later she was in Bangalore. She called Amit and asked him to meet her. She was staying with her brother. Amit was nervous, that day it took him almost two hours to get ready. Somehow he managed to meet her on time. She was looking way too gorgeous, and that was the first thing which came out of his mouth.

�You look gorgeous.� Amit said

And she blushed. That was enough to make him understand that his compliment made her quite happy. Amit had already planned everything for her the same day when she told him what all she wanted to do. She was in Bangalore for a week, and Amit made sure that he does everything he could to fulfil her wish. And soon the week was over and she was supposed to leave the next day early morning around 4 am. They met each other the last evening and when she was leaving for her brother�s place she asked him something.

�Can I hug you? Because I know that even if you want to hug me you will never say that.� Tanvi said

He didn�t say anything and she took it as his approval and hugged him tightly. It shook his whole body, blood started rushing everywhere. This was the first time he got a hug from any girl and not just any girl, lately he has started liking Tanvi a lot but as always he was way too shy to say anything. She hugged him and left for her brother�s place. He stood there for a while. He felt different. It was something magical which he never felt before. And he was sure now about one thing that he has fallen in love. But his mind was not ready to accept that. He has not been like this before in his life, he was totally different, he was someone who used to think that relationship and love is a waste of time. But he couldn�t believe it how this happened with him. And that too with someone whom he hated so much in his life. He fell for someone who made his life hell in his community on Orkut. This was something unbelievable for him. And he reflected on those four years how things have changed so dramatically for him. After a while he took a cab and left for his hostel. He was experiencing the magic of love now but the thought that she will leave for Delhi tomorrow morning and he had no clue when he will meet her again gave him a thud in his stomach. He called up his friend who knew about his feelings for Tanvi,

�Dude she hugged me. What am I supposed to do now?� said Amit

�Nothing just go and propose her you idiot.� He said

�Okay.� Amit said and hung up the call

�Bhaiya please turn around the cab, I want to go back from where you picked me.� Amit said

�What????� the cab driver was perplexed

�Fast Bhaiya, it is really urgent. Take a U-turn now.� Said Amit

And the cab driver took a sharp U-turn and drove back to her place. As soon as the driver took the U-turn he saw her sister�s car coming from the other side and he got so nervous that he asked the cab driver to take him back to his room. But he had to propose her, doesn�t matter if he couldn�t meet her at her place he decided to meet her early in the morning around 4 am at the airport. He didn�t tell her anything, he wanted to give her a grand surprise. He booked a cab for early morning, ordered a bouquet of red roses to be delivered at the airport around 4 am and whole night he was sitting on a chair so that he shouldn�t fall asleep. But if that would have happened then it would have become too predictable and easy for him to confess his love. And no wonder why he dozed off. When he woke up, it was already 7 am, she had left for Delhi and his whole plan has flopped. He had no clue when he fell asleep. He was shocked how things has turned out so differently. Whatever he plans everything just gets spoiled. Before this day, while she was in Bangalore during that week he took her once to Hard Rock Caf� where he made arrangements with the guest band so that he can propose her in front of everyone. He even held her hand and moved in the front to see the performance of the band and when the time came for him to propose her, he was too nervous to do that and he left. Today he was regretting that. If he would have done that then today this wouldn�t have happened. However he left it on time, and waited for the right moment to arrive.

And the right moment arrived very soon, the next day after what happened he decided to propose her when they were talking over phone, that night after so many years of fighting, arguing and so many great moments they shared with each other, he took the initiative to sum up the whole thing and present in front of her as a gift of love for her in his one sentence which seemed magical for her.

�What if I tell you that I like you?� Amit said out of the blue

She became quite now. For almost five minutes she was quite which gave shivers down his spine. All they could hear was each other�s breathe. And after five minutes of the wait finally she broke the silence,

�And what if I tell you that I like you too�� Tanvi said

And again there was a moment of silence for another five minutes.

�Is it only liking or is it love?� asked Tanvi

�Both of them are same thing know.� Amit said

And both of them started laughing. Yes finally he had proposed her. He had said what he always wanted to say from a long time and she accepted it. Even she wanted the same thing to happen perhaps. And that night when he told her that he actually tried twice to propose her when she was in Bangalore, she couldn�t help but kept on laughing on his state. And when he told the U-turn story then she told him, �You could have still come to my place and proposed me. I could have come down.� And he felt like an idiot for not thinking about that. But still what is destined to happen that happens no matter how hard you try. He never thought that after knitting all those proposal plans so meticulously he will end up proposing in the most stupid way. However that�s other thing that it didn�t happen the way he wanted, he always wanted to propose her in a grand way. But in that moment of happiness both of them forgot about the whole world and kept on talking with each other the whole night.

And it became their habit to spend the whole night over phone until unless someone used to doze off in the middle of night. But after one month or two they started feeling the heat of their relationship. Whenever either of them used to be busy it always erupted a fight between them. And sometimes it made him think, maybe this was not his right decision to get into relationship. But she was someone who would never leave him at any point, even after fighting with him she would call him and ask him whether he had his dinner or not and if not then she would make sure that he eats his dinner. And that moment Amit would feel that she was someone so right, so nice, so beautiful, and so lovely. She cared for him and so did he.

A few months later, he decided to meet her in Delhi to spend their first valentine day together. When he gave this news to his brother, his brother was so excited to see who this girl was who changed the thinking and mind-set of his brother, even he came to Delhi along with one of his cousin. Amit reached Delhi a day before the Valentine�s Day where he saw Tanvi with loads of present probably for him. And his brother and cousin were already waiting for him. Amit introduced them to his girl and they booked a cab from the airport. While sitting in the cab, Amit was sitting in the middle, on one side Tanvi was sitting and on the other side his brother was sitting. His cousin took the front seat. As soon as the cab left the airport Tanvi gave him seven presents, each for every special day of the valentine week. He was delighted to know that she took care of every little details and actually she got him present for seven days. And she kissed his cheek wishing him happy kiss day. Amit got all worked up as his brother was sitting beside him, he was feeling way too shy so he whispered into her ears, �my brother is here�� he kept on whispering that into her ear and suddenly he felt something over his lips. He felt something warm, he didn�t even realise when she kissed him. It felt great, it was something which was magical, he was speechless he didn�t know how to express this feelings in words. And some feelings are such that you can�t express in words, to experience such feelings we kiss the one with whom we are in love. And they had their first kiss on kiss day in a cab. And after spending the valentine day with her, he came back to Bangalore.

Even after facing few hurdles which came in their way they kept aside their ego and followed each other�s heart. Their love and care for each other was enough for their relationship to sail through all the rough phases, all the tough times, and all the storms that they came in their way. It obviously took a toll on both of them for a while but soon enough they came out and they came out of all those troubles with flying colours. And that was time when they realised that fights and issues are a part of life, but that doesn�t change anything in their relationship. Soon enough they overcame the feeling of possessiveness for each other, the insecurities that they had which usually spoils any long distant relationship was no longer present between them, they started giving each other enough space so that no one feels that this relation has become a burden for them. What all was left was just love and care which brought them even closer and finally made them believe in one fact that it was destiny which brought them together and they are supposed to be together. From strangers to friends and from being friends to someone so close to heart was a kind of indication that they are supposed to be together. All they need to do is love each other unconditionally and walk together in this walk of life.

When he was done with his story, I felt glad. I didn�t know that someday he would be in a relationship. And knowing the fact that both of them have overcame so many negative feelings which usually spoils people relationship made me feel really glad about their relationship. And that was the moment when I decided to share this story for this valentine week. However it is also my destiny that I came across this story in the middle of this valentine week when I was actually short on stories. It was my destiny to listen to his story so that I can share this with all my readers.



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