#4 Have No Words To Thank You Indi-Blogger�

I started blogging in 2010. That time I just passed out from my 12th grade and I had no clue what blogging was all about. I use to just write and update over my blog. I never knew how to publicize my posts, how to make it available everywhere and how to reach out to the audience. It took my blog three years to reach 1000 page views. And I was happy. For me it was a great deal. I had no clue that it was growing very slowly. And in the year 2012, I came across Indi-blogger community. And then everything changed.

My blog started growing immensely around the globe as it got the tag of Indi-blogger community; many people were actually reading it. My blog audience started expanding from across the globe. People from countries like Latvia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, UAE, Canada, United States of America, United Kingdom, etc started reading my blogs. And within a year my blog crossed 45,000 page views. Apart from all that I got a chance to attend Indi-blogger�s meet that happened in Chennai and met so many fellow bloggers who not only shared their experience with me but also gave me valuable suggestions to make my blog even better. Eventually my network started growing I came in contact with many respected authors, I started getting offers from several blogging sites to write for them and the best thing that could happen with me was I met my fan.

Right now I have more readers in USA compared to India, I feel glad about this but also I feel that if more people from India were interested in reading my blog then that would be amazing. Every day when I wake up all I think about is updating my blog, sharing some good experience about anything and everything. I keep my eyes open all the time so that I never miss some good story which keeps happening around us. My life has changed a lot after becoming a regular blogger. It feels great when your friends and class mates refer you as a blogger more than anything else.  

I have no words to thank Indi-Blogger for all the things I have learnt and every day I have improved as a blogger. And this is just the beginning of something new and I would like to thank all my readers for appreciating what I write. For any writer there is no one more important than their readers. Stay tuned, many more posts are yet to come.  


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