Recycled learning!!!

A new concept which has the potential of bringing a change in the Education system of India, if utilized properly it can create magic through the help of school kids.

What is recycled-learning?

The word recycle means reusing the resources which are available to us in a judicious way. So if we apply this in schools and colleges, using each and every studentof particular school/college as our resource, re-use their knowledge to teach those children who cannot afford to go in good schools then history can be created.

How it can be done?

Before initializing anything new in our country first of all we must do what my Geography Sir always used to tell us, Awareness among the people! Until unless people don�t understand the need of this concept and the perks that it offers to both of them, we cannot introduce this concept in our society, so first we must aware everyone around us.

We must take care of the most important thing that this concept needs care; we have to handle it with care. The reason behind this is kids are very sensitive. Sometimes they can get carried away by their emotions, so we need a mentor to guide those children who take part in this exchange of knowledge and wisdom.

Everything should be well organized. We must plan before we begin. Planning is very important. To develop any project, a proper planning and analysis is very important. It gives a rough idea of how the plan will work and what are the possible contradictions and consequences which may follow.

Do we need a place to carry out this process? Not really. People can use any place, they can either call those kids to their home or teach them in their home. There is a need for every kid in our country to know the condition of those people who live below poverty line. Kids are very sensitive and caring in nature. When they are exposed to the harsh reality, they always tend to be a helping hand. Children who take part in this process must be aware of the condition of every kid they are helping.

How it can change the face of our nation?

It will bring a sense of responsibility in every kid of our country. At a very early age when children are indulged in bringing a change in our society they will get a motivation, it will turn them more responsible, they will start valuing life and money.

If we are able to carry out this process successfully, then every year we will have double the number of students who will be educated. Kids who will successfully complete the process will be given certifications issued by the government which will hold lot of value and help them to take admission in good colleges across the country.

The question will arise here is, if they don�t have money for school then how they will study in college. This concept of recycled learning should be handled by both Public sector and Private sector, which will help those kids who complete their certification course of recycled learning, should get concessions in fees while getting admitted in colleges. If the financial condition is very critical then the private sector will come into picture. All those NGO�s who work for the betterment of these kids will help them financially and morally to study further. 

Now just close your eyes for a minute and try to see things through my perspective.

Imagine how things will drastically change if every evening all the children of our country are involved in the exchange of knowledge. How things will be if this exchange of knowledge will help to save so many precious life. How things will be if this exchange of knowledge will lead our nation to a new level of success and development. When we were kids, everything seemed possible. As we grow up we make our life complicated. That is the reason we have been unsuccessful in changing the face of education system of our country. But if we let these children change the life of those unfortunate kids by guiding them through this and providing every possible resources for them, then there is no doubt they will create history.

Now the question is, Are you up for something new? This is a very fresh idea and it can come handy if utilized properly. 


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