Disabled from Society...

Today after watching a glimpse of Accsex, a documentary by Shweta Ghosh I was left a little perturbed. The documentary talks about disabled people who are discarded from the society. It shows how they have dealt with their problem and what do they think about beauty and sexuality.

I have never given this a thought, to be honest. How it feels like? How does it feel like when you can�t see anything around you? And you have to either accept what others tell you or never ask any questions. How does it feel like when you can talk but cannot listen to your own words? When you can see and listen but cannot speak. You are not able to even express yourself to anyone around you. It must be very frustrating. And no one can ever understand the problems that they have to deal with in their daily life. This documentary shows how they have accepted their disability as a part of their life and how they have found a way to lead their life. The film-maker took the life of five women from Delhi, each suffering from some problem and how they have blossomed in their life.

A blind woman operating computer better than normal people, polio contracted women who are no longer imprisoned inside the walls of their house and a deaf girl who is a graphic designer is never bothered by her deafness. They are inspiration for all those who think disability is their weakness in life.

�My scooty is my leg, I cannot walk. And it is my scooty which helps to go anywhere I want, without my scooty I feel lonely. It feels as if something is amiss� reflects a polio-affected girl.

However movies and documentaries are playing a crucial part in motivating them but the way they are always looked upon by everyone around them often de-motivates them to do something in their life. For instance, their families are over protective towards them, people show sympathy unnecessarily and never let them do anything. Some do out of concern; many actually think they are good for nothing. The way they are labeled as abnormal is very disturbing.

Earlier I never had any opinion for them, and I am happy that I was never among those who judged them based on their disability. Still I don�t have any opinion. But after watching a small part of the documentary, it has helped me to understand their state a little better. And we do need people like them who are inspiration for everyone.

All they need is someone who can listen to them. They don�t need people�s opinion or suggestion about how to lead a life. They just need someone by their side who can just listen to what they have to say, what they have to express. Imagine. How it will feel like if from tomorrow you are not able to express yourself even after trying your best. It is a nightmare.

Disabilities are natural, no one asks for it. But how the world has disabled them from the society is a big question. Ask yourself. Imagine their state. Put yourself into their shoes. Push the boundaries of your thinking, open your eyes and don�t restrict yourself to someone�s opinions. It is not necessary what has been told since beginning must be true. Help them out of concern, don�t mock on their disability.  

Source: http://www.toocool2betrue.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Reality-Rearranged-By-Tommy-Ingberg_10-605x350.jpg


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