Silent cry�

There are times in our life when we get affected by few things which we know is momentarily. That thing might never come again in front of us in future. But as humans few things aren�t in our control.
I was in the metro, when I saw her. I was standing near the door, when my eyes caught her glimpse through the tinted window. The next moment, I turned around and that�s when our eyes met. There was something electrifying about her aura, her black dense hair kept coming in front of her eyes every time she moved and her kohl lined eyes had a world of its own. She wore a blue top over her black jeans with matching blue ear rings which looked quite appealing on her personality.  

And then that moment arrived when the metro reached Rajiv Chawk, she lined up near the door to get down from the train. Every now and then our eyes met, the more I tried not to look at them, more they looked into mine. As usual there was a big crowd already waiting at the station to board the train. The irritating thing about Delhi crowd is no one waits for people to get down from the metro. Before anyone tries to get down they start boarding the metro. They don�t understand the simple fact that first people need to get down only then they can board the train.

When metro reached the station, there was a murmur among the crowd, pushing each other even before the metro had come to a halt. The siren beeped twice, door opened and people tried to get down when she took a step forward. But before she could react, the big crowd barged inside the metro and pushed her inside. I saw it happening in front of my eyes. She was pushed from one side to other side by the passengers who were trying to get in. The moment the crowd barged in, her eyes looked into mine. Perhaps asking for help, she was traumatized by this sudden situation. She went numb for a while and couldn�t utter a word. She just kept looking into my eyes and I couldn�t do much. I tried raising my voice to stop them but it was suppressed by the hassle of the crowd.

I was at one end, it was impossible for me to come forward and help her out. But I should have done that; at least I could have tried to help. Those few seconds delay in my reaction kept on disturbing me the whole day. The look which was there over her face was disconcerting. She was on the verge of crying, tears almost came into her eyes. The way she was being pushed among the crowd terrorized her. The siren beeped again twice, door closed, metro left the station and she couldn�t get down. Instead she was pushed to the other end where I was standing. I felt bad.

I should have helped her. But I couldn�t and she was helpless. The next station when she got down, she turned around and gave me a look which kept on disturbing me throughout the day. The image of her face kept revolving in my mind. The more I tried to not think about that moment, the more it kept on coming back.

I know there was nothing much I could have done. She being a girl expected a little help from my end. Perhaps. But I was quite late in reacting. The reason maybe I was too numb in witnessing the scene or whatsoever. The fact that I didn�t try to reach out to her for help was something which kept echoing into my ears the whole day. Usually I always do my part if any stranger needs any help. For instance, offering my seat to ladies and old people; helping old uncle-aunties to cross the road; giving them way to board the metro; helping them to get down in crowd and stuffs like that. But after failing to help her much today, I felt disappointed. And that look on her face didn�t help either.

I know I am not going to see her again. Maybe someday I might. But then she won�t even remember me. This was a momentary accident which happened but somewhere it did hurt me. Like she uttered a silent cry�


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