Cute Short Love Story Ever

Once upon a time a girl was studying in class 8th. She loved a boy of her class the boy also loved her but both can�t tell each other for a long time. Then one winter day boy left the school to admission another school for better study. But everyday that boy came to school to see that girl. One day a friend of that girl lied to her that the boy loves someone else. So that day the girl wept bitterly and cried a lot. But she had hope in her heart that my true love will sure comeback to me.

One day brother of that boy came to that school and called her as sister in law. The girl was very happy after listen these words from that little boy. Then she got admission in the same school which that boy was studying. After some day passed the boy said to that girl "I LOVE U". Then that girl accepted and she wanted that too.  From that day they were together 4ever.


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