And, I started walking again...

Today, after a long day at work when I came home; I watched a movie � �Pele Birth of a Legend� and I realized something. Not that only how the legend turned the style of playing football but most importantly how it is important to believe in ourselves. And when we do believe in ourselves then we make history. I have been fighting a battle within myself from a long time. I stopped believing in myself. I stopped embracing the quality that makes me different from others and started doing what I was asked to do. I stopped writing for myself. I have been giving excuses not only to myself but also to the people who love to read my blog that how I am not able to balance between work and writing. The truth is, I cannot live a day without scribbling anything. And I realise why I have been feeling so lost lately. Because I have stopped embracing and enjoying what I love to do the most. Not long ago I gave a direction to my life but a feeling of suffocation started trapping me inside the walls of...