And, I started walking again...

Today, after a long day at work when I came home; I watched a movie � �Pele Birth of a Legend� and I realized something. Not that only how the legend turned the style of playing football but most importantly how it is important to believe in ourselves.

And when we do believe in ourselves then we make history. I have been fighting a battle within myself from a long time. I stopped believing in myself. I stopped embracing the quality that makes me different from others and started doing what I was asked to do. I stopped writing for myself.

I have been giving excuses not only to myself but also to the people who love to read my blog that how I am not able to balance between work and writing.

The truth is, I cannot live a day without scribbling anything. And I realise why I have been feeling so lost lately. Because I have stopped embracing and enjoying what I love to do the most.
Not long ago I gave a direction to my life but a feeling of suffocation started trapping me inside the walls of my mind. The chain of thoughts that flowed smoothly once, now had difficulty to even flicker. I started muddling with it.

Perhaps, sometimes all you need is some inspiration and I have been looking for one since a long time. It is true the world does not work the way you want it to be. Things are not black and white. There are grey areas which dominate the world. But then we need to understand that unless we do not embrace the quality that makes us different from the world we are not going to make a difference.

102 sportsperson took part in the most precious event of the world at Rio Olympics and I was disgusted how the people of our country started accusing the players after they couldn�t bag a lot of medals. We started comparing it with other countries and how we have failed as a nation to make a difference at the global event.

But why we forget that at the time when these players needed our support the most we kept blaming them for not meeting our expectations. Why we always fail to believe in ourselves and start doing what the rest of the world is doing.

The movie is based on the journey of Pele but it also explains beautifully how the lost tradition of Ginga helped them to make a difference at a time when they were in the middle of a worst phase. There is a sequence in the movie when Pele�s father is dropping him at the bus station before the world cup and explains the importance of believing in oneself. And how important it is to enjoy whatever you are doing.

You may not win every time and it is important to fail because what failure teaches you, success never will. But when you fail, you rise. You emerge from the darkness and shine like a bright sun. So bright that the world shares your light and help to emerge from their dark phase.

There are numerous things which keeps us holding back from taking a step further and also many of us are afraid to take a risk. To fall. To gamble. Because we have a habit of living a secured life and we don�t want to get out of our comfort zone.

But when we manage to get out of our comfort zone, the possibility of winning is more because at that point of time there isn�t anything holding you back. You always give your best possible shot. Even somehow if you fail, you know that you have given your best.

Someone once told me, whenever in doubt just start walking and soon you will realise which way you have to go, which route you must take and keep walking until you find your own path. Life is short and time is running way too fast. I can�t even imagine how quickly this year has gone by and 2017 is only a few months away.

There are times when I am so scared that what if I am not able to do things that I want to do. But then I start walking again and I find my path again.

But there I was from past so many months not willing to take that extra walk and not ready to let go of things that I must. Today, when I am writing there is this immense pleasure and satisfaction. I am not holding anything back while pouring out my heart here even if I may not make any sense. I am enjoying this feeling of to be able to do what I love to do the most, again. I am writing for myself.

My friends from college always believed that I may not become an engineer but I would do something meaningful with my writing skill. And I still remember the day I told them about the new part of my life, I could see the grin on their face and happiness in their eyes. I knew it, I was on the right path.

Nothing wrong has happened since I got here in Delhi. I have been doing well. But it pinched me every day whenever I felt the urge to jot down what was going in my head but couldn�t. With time, I started getting used to it. Instead of working towards it, I stated ignoring it. And that was the reason why I felt lost at times, I was not myself for quite some time. Maybe, isolated myself for a while to figure out what the heck was wrong with me.

But then there was nothing wrong. I just stopped embracing the little moments of life that used to make me happy. And I was missing this.

Don�t be afraid if you are not like anyone else because you are someone. It is great to be different. And you will win someday. And in this hope, I have started walking again, holding on to what I have and hoping that someday I will find my path, again.  



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