Teenage Romantic Love Stories

Once a boy fall in love with a girl. One fine morning 
Boy: Say hellow.
Girl: Hii..
Boy: How are you today? 
Girl : Fine and you.
Boy: Very very fine.
Girl: Where are you going now? 
Boy: I am going to take a photograph.
Girl: Which photograph yaar? Which time are you going today to college?
Boy: No I am not coming to college today.
Girl: Why? Is there any important work with you to do? Then why don't you come to college today. There were some important classes you will must miss today.
Boy: Its ok you will give me notes I will study it.
Girl: Ok. Which Photograph do you want to take? Can you tell me.
Boy: No I don't like to say to you.
Girl: Ok then it must be your girl friends photo.
Boy: Of course my girl friend.
Girl: What? ? ? You are really mad. Bye.
Boy: Hey stand there?
Girl: Why? I am going yaar.
Boy: Can I take a photo of you?
Girl: Why?
Boy: I just want to show my children how their mom looked when she was younger.


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