Voyage through the sea of flames�

My life in past three years has changed drastically and dramatically. Three years ago, on this day I was in Chennai surviving each night and knocking at the doors of several IT companies to get a job. My life seemed clueless then and had no idea where it would go after the end of my college.

Three years ago, I spent my birthday clearing several rounds only to get rejected in the end during the placement drive. I returned quite late and had no intentions of celebrating my birthday. I was amid a storm and after getting rejected on the most special day of my life, I lost all my hopes. I cried entire night silently, sitting at one corner and thinking how will I make something out of my life when nothing is going in my favour. Who knew it was a beginning of something new, fresh and something which is going to change the dynamics of my life.

A few months down the line, I found myself in Delhi among aspiring journalists. After a lot of convincing, fighting and pleading to my parents, I was given one last opportunity to fight the battle again. But the only difference was, I was allowed to take the road "not taken" by anyone I knew in my family. I was allowed to carve my own path.

Three years later, when I look back I feel generous to all the rejections and failures that came in to my life only to make me stronger. I haven't conquered the world yet, not that I have become famous but gradually I am making my place in the world of journalism.

The storm had hit me hard not once, not twice but twenty consecutive times back to back. I faced twenty back to back rejections during the placement drive back in engineering college because I had low grades. It was true, I didn't belong there.

I cursed my life every day for blocking my path everytime. Who knew the universe was busy making other plans for me. And who knew I would change my stream from engineering to journalism.

With this, I will also complete two years as a correspondent for the largest newspaper of India. However, this is only the beginning.

I have found my path, now I only need to carve it to reach where I want to see myself. I remember the time when I realised that all I wanted to do in my life is travel and find those beautiful stories and pen it down so that the world lives it through my eyes. I am reaching closer to it. Gradually. I am getting there.

And with this, I wish my life witnesses another beginning in the literary world - where I am trying to establish myself as a writer.

The beauty of struggle is that it makes you humble. With every failure coming in your way, gradually you will start embracing your failures and channelizing the negative energy in to making something positive out of your life.

I was once a short tempered guy. I remember almost every other day at school I would get in to a fight and obviously being the skinny guy I was most of the time I used to get beaten up. But I never stopped fighting. But gradually things changed and with every struggle I learnt to control my temper. I would become quiet whenever I was angry and it helped me not only to control but I started observing things.

I would be found always in a corner, observing people from a distance and gradually it helped me to express myself through writing. On a piece of paper I would pour out my heart and it felt really good, deep within.

I felt as if I got wings. And I enjoyed being in the vicinity of my solitude and jotting down every emotions I was going through. And this gave birth to a writer inside me, which always wanted to come out. But I was scared. And kept it inside the prison of my mind until one day when I felt really broken and weak and I started this blog in 2010 and there was no looking back.

In past two years, I have been irregular in updating my blogs and I realised when I received several fan mails, messages from friends, family and peers to keep updating my blog. I am trying every day to do write something but it gets really difficult to balance both work and blog at the same time.

And during this three year journey, many left and few came in to my life. And someone, who is the special one, arrived suddenly and made my life beautiful. Took me out of the blockade I was going through, taught me to get back on my feet dust myself and continue to write until I finish the unfinished task.

With a promise to keep marching forward and continue my fight, I rest my fingers now.

"Happy birthday to me."


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