The burdened soul...


I wake up every morning,
And a feeling of anxiety wraps me.
Looks like I have reached a dead end,
Gloomy nights and blurry mornings awaits,
A feeling of being caged resides.

When I look back,
I know I have survived the stormy nights,
And smiled through the dark clouds.
I know I have sailed through the rough tide,
And swam endless miles,
To reach the sea shore.

But the way forward is invisible,
And my soul paralyses.
With the thought of getting lost,
Or spending an entire lifetime,
On the only island.

My boat is wrecked,
And oars are missing,
And no ship in sight,
I lit the bonfire,
And keep myself warm.

I have befriended my solitude here,
And talk with myself.
To get over the feeling of being isolated,
I eat leaves and fruits,
And use its juice,
To heal my wounds.

The world has forgotten me,
And no come here to check on me.
Why no one ask where have I disappeared,
Why no one tries to find my lost soul,
Do I have to live like this forever?
My heart keeps asking me.

I am haunted by nightmares,
And stay awake in fear.
What if I become a prey?
For the vultures will feast on my dead body,
Or wild animals will find me somewhere,
Why I have to keep running?

My soul is burdened,
And heart is heavy.
Mind is numb,
And the forest is dark,
When will I find light,
And when the night will end...



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