
Showing posts from March, 2017

Falling into the darkness�

It is close to midnight, he is sitting on his bed quietly and looking at the clock ticking and his heart is waiting anxiously, when the minute hand will move and begin a new day. There is an eerie silence everywhere, even the distant barks of dogs doesn�t affect him today. It�s been ten days now, since he has been feeling this way but he has no clue, what to do about it. He has been trying to embrace his darkness but every night he is scared, he is not able to sleep. He feels suffocated as if someone is trying to choke him to death but not killing him actually. It is the feeling of suffering that envelopes him every night, it is the feeling of loneliness that holds him tightly into its clutches and it is the feeling of self-destruction that makes him feel scared from his own shadow. He feels what if the darkness within him comes out and shatters every dream, and destroy him completely. What if the negativity that has recently surrounded him will leave him with no friends and no one to

At the Crossroads called Life�

  It is not every day when you wake up and the first thing that you read fills your heart with a feeling of awe; not because it is from a person who is precious to you but because every word has its own emotions, and when you are done reading you cannot help but allow the world to read it� There are people who have dreamt of achieving something in their life but a lot of them have to give up on their dreams due to several �practical problems� as they say even if they were only a step away from getting what they really wanted. This one is for all those, who feel they cannot get up after falling and cannot face any more setbacks in life. It is okay to fail, it is okay to fall; you only need to pick yourself up, dust yourself and keep marching ahead until you are there, where you always wanted to be. And when you will reach there, you will also know who all are with you and who all left during your pacific-length journey. Now sit back, relax and enjoy the read� By Tanushree Mukherjee H av

The Infinite Me!!!

There are times which changes the dynamics of your life. Maybe at that moment, you would have taken it like any other casual greetings but gradually you saw yourself getting into the moment. You witnessed how miraculously the mystery unfolded right in front of your naked eyes and all you could do was smile at your luck. But why luck? Why we always blame luck for our miseries? Or always compliment luck after succeeding in doing something. Or is it that you happened to do certain thing because you thought luck was on your side else you couldn�t have reached far? So who is this luck? Is he or she? Has anyone ever seen him? Does he hang around the tea stall near every office where people keep cursing him for the job they have or does she appear like a mystic beauty suddenly out of the blue and people burst out in joy in the astonishment of their �luck�. I know you must be thinking is he high or what rubbish he is talking about. We humans have this tendency of linking everything to somethin

A home away from home...

A decade has passed by, Still feels like yesterday, When I grabbed my bag, And wandered into the unknown. Though every single day, I thought about you; Though never expressed, The feelings suppressed inside. The color of festivals, Bring back those memories, Still fresh and vivid in my mind, Like it was yesterday. The days when my dad's voice, Used to wake me up, And scolding from mom, For staying awake till late. When a week before, Preparations used to start, When we were always ready, To strike a war. Pockets filled with color packets, Hand holding our gun. Dodging every single splash of water, That came our way, Nudging people to make way through, To the den of our friends. Holi was only a reason, To celebrate the togetherness... Shirts were torn but not a single scratch, Faces were colored yet no respite, Unless we were satisfied coloring our small world, There was no going back. Once back at home, We were welcomed with a plate of delicacies; Pua and chicken used to be my fa

A Short Beautiful love story

One night a boy and a girl were driving home from the railway station. They both were in love for a couple of years. They were going to marry as soon as possible. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over the helmet from his head because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and she didn't want to marry him now.  A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket & passed her a folded note. The girl grabbed this note and move on to the other side of the road. At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down a heavy vehicle on the same street. He swerved right towards the boy and killed him at a moment. Miraculously, the girl survived. She was crying and remembering the note, she opened it & read it. "Without your love, I would die."