Through the tough times, keep smiling...

I am writing this for you, for all those who are at a juncture where suddenly the road ahead seems blurry, where suddenly you are feeling choked and you feel you might break down at any given point of time.

I am not writing this to inspire you, I don�t know whether I can inspire you or not. But I am compelled to write this because when I see you getting distorted by life and its insecurities, it saddens my soul. The question must be here why?

A few years ago, I decided to change the flow of my own life and since then I have been working on it, still waiting for that one moment when I will feel that I have reached closer to it. It hasn�t happened yet, I don�t know when it will happen but I know one thing that how much ever time it takes I am not going to stop fighting.

I am not going to stop fighting the demons that surround me every time I am left alone in the vicinity of myself. I am not going to stop believing in myself and that no matter what the world tells me, what the society feel about me, I am never going to stop believing in myself.

It is easy to put faith in people whom you idolise but every time we forget that we need to believe in ourselves first.

Today, when I see people whom I love the most falling apart, feeling as if it is the end of the world and getting carried away by these negative emotions, I feel terrible. Not only because I love them, but because I feel as if a part of me, is losing. Losing the battle I started for changing things in my life because I didn�t like it.  

To all of you, who are reading and who are at the same juncture where you want to do what you want to but you are not able to muster up the courage to confront it or you have already taken the step but are now afraid of losing. This is for you all.

It is good to be scared, you may ask why? Because if you are scared you have given a thought to your life. You have analysed its flow and you are scared what if you don�t make it where you want to see yourself. And it is natural to be scared. And it is good to be scared.

But don�t let this fear overpower you. Don�t let this fear drive you to a point where you leave everything behind and everyone behind. When this feeling dawns upon us, we are so scared that we start getting beaten up by our insecurities every day. We started feeling that maybe we will lose, we won�t win and we keep disturbing ourselves by asking the same question over and over again.

Yes. There is this fear which always surrounds us and tries to feel terrible. But don�t let the fear drive you, instead you need to drive this fear and push it to the corner of your head. 

Forgetting about it is not happening here and you cannot take it out of your head definitely. But push it to the corner of your head. Because this is only a glitch that has come in your universe, because you have decided to change the flow of your life. It is natural that your decision will be followed by a glitch and now it is trying to mess with your head. It is trying to make you believe that you will not succeed and you will have to settle down for something you don�t want.

But believe me, this is nothing but only a glitch to test your will, to harass your mind and to distract you from reaching where you have just headed for.

There comes a time, when you start feeling that this very phase of your life is unexplainable to others. You cannot explain what you are going through and nobody tries to understand you. It happens. We can�t help it. Why people cannot understand I don�t know but not everyone are like that.

There is a bunch of people, who knows you are messed up in your head and they are only trying to help you to make peace with your brain. They do not offer help because they feel you are not capable of handling on your own, but because they really love you and they are only trying to do anything they can in their own capacity.

When we are at a juncture where life seems clueless and road ahead seems blurry, we start filtering people from our life. Actually there is no need of it. When you begin your own journey, where you do what you wish to, people who don�t like it will automatically vanish from your life. Especially when you are a difficult point, they will automatically pack their bags and leave. Because they don�t want trouble. They were there to enjoy the good times and it is not in their capacity to stay by your side during those difficult times that life gives you.

But there always be a few people who will always be there for you. A fewer will also go to an extent of walking over the flames for you. For the same reason that they want you to do great in life and they want to see you shinning like a sun and if it takes them to walk over a sea of flames they would happily do that.

Losing and winning is two sides of life like a coin, we all know this but we always want to win. It is great to win, yes, but there are times when you might lose. When that happens, cry your heart out because it hurts, but get up and keep trying. No one is stopping you from trying and believe yourself you will win.

Don�t give up on your life, don�t give up on the people around you and don�t give up on your decisions. I don�t know whether you will succeed or not. No one knows. We just know what we have to do today, we don�t know what is going to happen tomorrow. So why break our head thinking about the possibilities instead why not work for today and see how it goes.

There is no point of feeling low thinking about something you don�t even know what it is about. Life is a battle where we all fight. People say no one stays with you, you are alone and no one will stay with you.

I don�t agree to this at all. Yes, true life is a battlefield where you sometimes win and sometimes you lose. You learn something every time though. And people will stay with you only if you are willing to let them. Because people who want to leave have left already, but there are a few who want to stay till the end and they want to hold you tightly when you are done fighting your own battle. While you are fighting your own battle, even they are fighting their own battle and that is why they connect with you, because they can feel the same pain and they are wandering around for some love and companionship.

What we have gone through in our past has moulded us in a way we are today. And yes we are strong at the same time, we are vulnerable and most of the time we are scared of not facing the same situation again in life that made us the way we are today. We are scared of the bad things that happened in our past. We are scared what if they get repeated.

I don�t know whether it will get repeated or not. I don�t know the future. But it is more like not willing to walk on road because we are scared what if a car hits you while you were only trying to walk. And what if when that car hits you, your life gets over.

Yes, we have faced complexities in our past. In some or the other way, it has been embedded in us but till when you will keep running away from something only because you are scared what it will do to you.

Maybe it will go the way you wish to deep within, maybe it won�t. But running away will never give you the answer and maybe you will lose something because you were too scared to make it yours. It will keep waiting for you however, until it can breathe but if you leave it because of your fear; if you never welcome it back in your life because of your life; it will die waiting.

Life is not easy and why it should be. We get it only once, and we have so many things to do. It comes with a price. But keeping everything aside, don�t stop believing in yourself. Don�t stop doing what you are going to do only because you are scared about the possibilities. Just know this is what you want to do and you don�t have any other option but to do well because this is your life which you have got only once. 

�Sichata Hai Yahaan Jo Bagiya Ko, Wahi Phool Bhi Paave,
Raahi Ka Toh Kaam Hai Chalaatahi Jaave�
Ghume Kabse Dagar Dagar, Tu Mann Ko Yeh Samajhaave
Raahi Ka Toh Kaam Hai Chalataahi Jaave��



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