Tug of War...

"73.5%? Seriously? This is how you're going to intrigue your future? Your career? Look at the 12th Board mark sheet. That 93.5% is ashamed of you! Look at yourself! How flawed and maimed you have become... What that busty social monster has done to you!"

My heart compelled my eyes to immerse itself in the salty secretion of lachrymal gland. Those words of my inner voice constantly echoed and pricked my heart's papillary muscles and I couldn't hold back those 'tears' anymore.

That one drop slowly rolled down my cheek, captivated in the gloominess and despair. "You're right..." I blurted out finally.

"Of course I am. I always was but only if you did listen. Even Success and Confidence have left us. Tell me, being social really helped? Trying to be an extrovert which you can never be? Going out for a series of movies and ignoring your responsibilities towards studies?

�Instead of nourishing your talents, you spend hours at trying to socialise with people... Did it help?"

Salty tears now overflowed, shooed away the last trace of hope and embraced forlornness and desolation. Heart felt too weak to speak on my favour. Brain joined the chiding session...

"And yes, you even fell in that stupid love. I warned you repeatedly, but do you even bother? You broke our precious heart. Look at it, it is still trying to heal itself, hiding its wounds from the world. My grey matter is tired of being nostalgic of those memories of that fake boy.

�Stop being emotionally overdramatic, will you? When will you grow up? Bring Determination and Success back in your life. Romantics or social bastard isn't going to fetch you anything. Stop brooding over them and work for the love of career. Fight for your passion. Nurture your talents. Grow up girl."

'GROW UP GIRL'. Yes. I will. I promise. I hereby stop bothering about this fake world and for once and all, I will start living for myself again. She said to herself as tears made their way down her cheek but she didn�t care to wipe it.

- Anonymous 

Source: https://w-dog.net/wallpaper/my-loneliness-girl-silhouette-night-moon/id/347089/


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