The clock that went forward...

I am standing at a station, but I am not in India. There are people around me, some of them waiting for their train, some waiting for someone but what I am doing here, I ask myself. I am standing behind a pillar, I peek through the side of the pillar and what I see leaves me surprised for a few moments.

I see myself, sitting on a bench with her. I am wearing a black color overcoat and I look a bit older than I am right now. I blink twice. �It can�t be,� I say to myself. She is sitting by my side, she is wearing a white color jacket over her black color top and black trousers. She is wearing a necklace, it has a golden snitch attached to it. It is a Harry Potter themed necklace.

�Am I in the future?� I ask myself and look around. �But how far into the future?� I ask myself again. 

�Can these people see me?� I hide myself behind the pillar. I am trying to overhear the conversation both of us are having. But I am at a distance and I am not able to hear anything due to the murmur of crowd.

I walk a few steps closer to where both of us are sitting and I hide myself behind the next pillar. Now I can hear us.

�So have you finally decided how the entrance is going to look like?� she asks me (the future me)

�Yes, see I have these designs. We can go ahead with the Hogwarts theme or you want any house specific themed entrance?� he asks her

�Slytherin,� she says and jumps out of joy. There is a glint in her eyes. I make a face.

�Okay� let us go with Hogwarts theme but where we get married one side should be Slytherin and other side should be Gryffindor themed,� she says and waits for my answer.

�Yes� I like that,� I declare.

My heart is thumping my chest from inside. �Are we planning our wedding?� I say to myself in excitement. Yes, we always had wished to have a harry potter themed wedding and I am here to witness the discussion between us. �Wow!� I exclaim.

�People should be given a wand, when we complete the rituals; they should lift the wand at once in air,� she says.

�And the food should be named after spells, drinks should be named after potions and,� he says as she intervenes

�But what about desserts?� she asks me

�Ummm� I have no clue about the desserts,� he says

�How about we name the desserts after death eaters?� she says and start laughing.
Her hair has grown just above her waist. She looks mesmerising. I have a strong urge to hug both of them tightly but I don�t know what this is all about, so I calm myself down.

�What about invitation cards?� he asks her

�Ummm� how about a letter from Hogwarts themed?� she says and I think she saw me. I hide myself behind the pillar and wait for some time. My heartbeat is racing like a Ferrari. �Can anyone see me?� I ask myself again and look at the crowd, who seems to be oblivious about my presence. I peek through the pillar again.

�It should be like the letter from Hogwarts with a few more things combined in one. And and and listen na,� she says excitedly as he is checking his phone.

 �Haan tell na� I am sorry. No phones,� he says and keeps his phone in his pocket.

�The entrance of the venue where we get married should also have Platform 9 � written with big bold letters. Wow, I can�t believe we are actually doing this and doing it exactly how we had thought,� she said and held his hand. He holds her cheek and plant a kiss gently on her cheeks.

�And Always�.� He says

�Yes� Always should be written too. I am getting too excited. Wow!� she says and jumps out of joy. We may look older but we are still the same. The craziness is still there like it was before. �Few things cannot be changed,� I exclaim.

�I need to go to the loo. Be right back,� she says and excuses herself.
I have a strong urge to go and talk to future me. I don�t wish to know about the future though but I still wish to talk to him. I continue to stare at myself from the future. �I have not gone bald yet,� I say to myself and smile at him.

�You bastard, I never thought looking at you from a distance would be so great especially when you are with her,� I say in my mind and I feel a sudden pat on my shoulder. Oh my god! It is her. The future her.

�Hello,� she says and her face glows

I am taken aback. �You can see me,� I say to her

�Yes, idiot! I can see you,� she says and makes a face.

�Can he?� I ask her pointing towards his direction

�If he spots you them maybe yes. But let him be, lets walk this way,� she says and waits for me to follow her. I start walking with her to the other side.

�You didn�t change your hairstyle? And I didn�t go bald? You wanted your hairs to be permanently straight,� I say and look at the ground.

�Oh yes. I didn�t and you don�t go bald at least not yet,� she says and smiles at me. �From which year you are coming from?� she asks me

�2017,� I say and continue, �Which year is this?�

�2027 November,� she smiles.

�Wow! Did I just jump 10 years into the future?� I say out loudly.

�I guess yes,� she says

�So we made it till here. Wow,� I said

�You had any doubt?� she said and her nose flared

�Hahaha� Not yet but you know how life throws tantrums at us,� I said and touched her nose.

�I know. So 2017 huh, which month?� she asked me

�July,� I replied

�Must be tough out there,� she said and we both burst into laughter.

�It is good,� I said with a big grin on my face

�Do I make it as a writer? We are living in which country? Are you a filmmaker? What we are doing? And how are we?� I start asking too many questions.

�Hold on... hold on� I am not going to tell you anything about the future. Remember, I can�t ruin the party for you guys. You have to figure that out by yourself. But I can tell you one thing that yes we are happy,� she said and looked back at the future me, who is waiting for her while reading a book. We stop walking.

�Listen, I know in the present time I am a mess right now. And you will have to be patient with me. I am telling you this because this means a lot to me and just be a little patient with me for some time. There will come a time when you will be completely lost soon, and then I will have to find you but before that you need to ensure that I am sane enough to go in your search. Because where you come from and what are we into, is kind of messed up. But it will be fine. I am not telling you anything more than this,� she said and her eyes turned moist.

�So can I talk to him?� I asked her

�No. Don�t talk to him please. You only say na it is okay not to know the future,� she said.

�By the way, you look beautiful,� I said

�Are you flirting with the older me Mister?� she said and hugged me tightly.

�I wish to see you soon. He is waiting for me, I should get back. Take care and see you,� she said and started walking towards the future me. She looked back and I waved back at her.

I stood there for some time. I saw them fighting like two crazy idiots in the middle of a station, making faces, punching each other, holding hands, pulling each other leg and their eyes. Their eyes had everything they had to say to each other.

I read the station name again. �I will meet you here. Ten years down the line, I will meet you again,� I say to myself and start walking back. 



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