When I found my pearl�

I was sailing through the rough sea,
High tides and stormy nights,
When my ship wrecked in the middle,
I was left in the middle of nowhere,
I didn�t know how to swim,
My life jacket kept me floating,
In search of a shore, I kept breathing
Hoping the sun would smile at me soon

The sun never showed up,
But I kept breathing,
Through the chills and frostbites,
I kept searching,

After a long wait, I found an island,
My body regained the lost energy and balance,
I had nothing left but my soul,

Finally, my feet found itself on the shore,
I sat down and uttered a silent cry,
I was alive but dead from inside,
Stranded somewhere alone in despair

I slept through the day and woke up at night,
The thought of me being the prey,
Didn�t let me sleep through cold nights,
And then under the moonlight,
I saw her walking by the seashore,

I pinched myself coz I thought I was dreaming,
But she walked towards me and held my hand,
I asked her who are you?
Another stranded soul like you, she replied,

Her hair played with the wind,
Eyes had their own glint,
Pain she had kept deep inside,
Hiding those scars with her smile,

She sat by my side,
And I felt safe,
I wish I had her arms around me,

She asked me, where I was heading,
I had no clue
She smiled at me and we stared at the sky
Counting stars and searching for food,
We survived with each other through every blow,
Didn�t realise when she came so close,

Now when I close my eyes,
I see her face,
I smile at life for sending her to rescue me,
For I had fallen into a void,
If she had not arrived,
And saved me through those colder nights

We are sailing again,
But there is no fear now,
For even if our ship wrecks,
We know we will make it through,
For I have found my pearl,

Amid the high tides and stormy nights

Source: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/558967a1e4b0e84204557547/5888d5fb17bffc62ea327e13/5888e3d217bffc62ea3364d9/1485366264232/I-found-you-here.jpg?format=1500w


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