You fall, So You Can Get Up...

"Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up" - Alfred Pennyworth: Batman Begins This dialogue have touched many hearts globally and while watching the Batman trilogy every soul would wonder, what would have happened to Batman if Alfred never stood by his side. Bruce Wayne, who became Batman was as lost as any other soul after what all he suffered while growing up. But Alfred, who was technically a care taker of his family always stood by his master's side and showing him the light, when he fell into the darkness. We all have Alfred in our life, it is up to us when we start realizing the fact when someone is genuinely trying to bring us out of the darkness we have locked ourselves into. There are things in your life, which sits on your head and you find it difficult to get away with those thoughts. And these are those things, which matters most in your life. But when you know it is beyond your control and you are just a mute spectator to the plays of f...