You fall, So You Can Get Up...
"Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up"
- Alfred Pennyworth: Batman Begins
This dialogue have touched many hearts globally and while watching the Batman trilogy every soul would wonder, what would have happened to Batman if Alfred never stood by his side. Bruce Wayne, who became Batman was as lost as any other soul after what all he suffered while growing up. But Alfred, who was technically a care taker of his family always stood by his master's side and showing him the light, when he fell into the darkness.
We all have Alfred in our life, it is up to us when we start realizing the fact when someone is genuinely trying to bring us out of the darkness we have locked ourselves into.
There are things in your life, which sits on your head and you find it difficult to get away with those thoughts. And these are those things, which matters most in your life. But when you know it is beyond your control and you are just a mute spectator to the plays of fate, sometimes it gets on your nerves.
And what you do next is for the best - to simply try and ignore as long as you can. But everyone in this world has a breaking point, when you are nearing yours; you don't know whether suppressing your emotions is the viable option or letting yourself to spill the poison, which might change the dynamics of your existing world.
This world is nothing but a set of permutation and combination with infinite possibilities and alternate realities. The choices we make defines the equation and the things that we do are the variables with time being the constant. And as they say, time heals everything.
But it will only heal, if you are willing to put that effort to leave things that disturb you behind. Only when you are willing to make choices, which define you as who you actually are and what you actually want. If you are in doubt, then you need to figure it out for yourself or you need to talk to people in whom you have confided every little secrets of your life.
Lying or hiding doesn't help, it may push the problem a little further; it might delay the storm but it will hit you someday and when it does, maybe you will lose the person in whom you used to find solace. Because when you share everything with someone and suddenly you have to lie on their faces to hide something you don't wish them to know about, they will find it difficult to trust you.
And it is totally up to you whether you want to keep lying or tell them the truth, which you always had. It is totally up to you whether you want to win them back or kick them out of your life. And if you want to win them back, it is going to take some efforts on your behalf also but it is worth the effort. Because once you lie, you have to hide it with hundred different lies. It may seem as a viable option at first but then on the long run, it suffocates you.
People who genuinely love you are always going to love you no matter where you land up yourself and in those times you will actually know who are those you want to keep in your life, when you get a hit and fall down. People, who wants you to bounce back will always lend their hand and extend their support but again it is up to you whether you want to hold their hand or you have started liking the fall. Don't push those you genuinely care for you and who are willing to share your burden only to ensure you are doing fine.
There are certain things, which will attract you and make you do things you would have never done in the first place. But you have been affected so much by the charm that you don't think clearly and when you realize, maybe it is a little late. But it is never too late in life. You can change the dynamics of your life, whenever you want to and whenever you wish to. Those charms seems pleasurable in the beginning but they will only give you immense pain and regret on the long run.
We humans, what we are? Nothing but a ball of energy who can communicate and express their desires and emotions. But all this only till the time we are alive. Once dead, your body is nothing but a bowl of ash. Till the time you have in this world, try to make choices which makes you happy without any regrets. Even if a small moment of regret if you have for something you have done, it means it is not meant for you and it's time when you change it and change it for good.
This doesn't mean you will never commit any mistake or you will never fall off the line. You certainly will commit mistakes and you can't do anything about it. But what you can do is, you can realize the fact that you did a mistake and you can rectify it before it burns down your world in to a bowl of ash.
No mistake in this world define anyone, we all do mistakes. When this world is an output of imperfect explosion, which formed the universe, how on any galaxy anyone can expect, humans of all the creations, not to commit any mistakes.
But you get up, when you fall. That's why fate put you in that place to see how you react and what choices you make and whatever it is that you choose, it defines the cycle of your life until you fall again and again you have to make a choice. That is what life is about from my understanding, it keeps giving you a second chance to amend what went wrong and to bring back what you lost. It is only about making choices at the end of the day.
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