Life = Trial & Error...
Mostly error but never stop trying...
Remember when we were kids, all we wanted was to grow up and live life king-size. Back then, it used to feel amusing to see grownups doing we all are doing now. But now if you ask anyone, all that they desire is to go back to their school or college days. I am no different. Not because back in those days life seemed easy or simple, but for a simple reason that back then it didn't take much effort from our end to be happy.
As we grow up, the challenges of life keeps on increasing exponentially and what we used to enjoy most seems to have taken the backseat. All we are doing is, running everyday and chasing the time that we have left in this world without even asking ourselves what we really desire.
There is a person I know, who has seen the worst and lived the peak moment of his life and throughout these moments, what he never stopped doing was trying. He was very young, when his mother passed away. Being the youngest member of his family, his innocence got lost after the death of his mother. He completed his school, went to college, bagged a job and got married to start his own family.
This person, after he had his own children vowed to himself that no matter how difficult his childhood was, he will never ever let his children go through something that he did and he worked day and night to reach a respectable position in his company. Among his siblings, he was doing quite well financially but that didn't change him. He didn't turn into some egoistic brat, who would flaunt his lifestyle to demean his family members and friends.
Instead, he would always help whoever came to him seeking his help. Be it emotionally or financially, he stood by everyone's side, whom he considered a part of his world. He had grown confident about what he wanted in his life, and it didn't take much time for him to start his own business. Although, he was warned by many, many didn't show the kind of faith in him, he showed in others but it didn't stop him from getting what he wanted.
Life rose to new expectations and challenges, as he flourished as a businessman and continued to be the same person he was even when he had nothing. He always believed that when you love someone, you just love them and you will do everything in your capacity or sometimes even beyond your capacity to help them whenever they require some help.
But maybe fate had something else in store for him. His wife fell sick, his business was over and all he had was a house with little kids and wife. And all this happened when he was almost on the verge of becoming a millionaire. His dreams were shattered, his self confidence took the beating but he continued to look for a way to stabilize his life.
The lifestyle once he had, was no more the same. The circle that he had, was no more the same. And the people for whom he always stood by their side, were no more the same. He tried his hand in everything he thought was necessary to ensure that his kids get proper education. His wife supported him in every decision that he took. Few turned into blessing, few were full of regrets. This resulted in immense frustration and disagreements between these two molecules of this universe.
The two molecules of this universe kept colliding with each other for all the things that went terribly wrong. The molecules would collide day and night, the children would silently weep in their room and every night they said a silent prayer, praying to the universe to stabilize what has gone wrong.
He was jobless for several years, while his wife tried her hand in stabilizing the situation. Although, her health condition didn't permit her to do certain things, she never stopped believing in herself. She became the backbone of the family, when they couldn't withstand the pressure of life.
After almost a decade of failure, financial crisis and immense frustration, their life saw a shinning sun. Things started to get normal. And today things are completely different.
Yes, a few dreams were shattered which paved way for something new. But what remained constant was the will to try every time you fall. The strength to face the challenges, every time it seemed like a dead end. And to love irrespective of the collision and clashes.
Why I told you this story is to simply tell you that no matter how difficult your path gets, no matter how difficult your situation gets and no matter how restless life turns you into, never stop trying. Because someday things are going to get better. Maybe what you planned when you started your journey isn't the same when you sail through different situations. But it is up to you how you manage to sail.
This story could have been entirely different. If they hadn't tried to look for a solution they would have got stuck in the endless loop of their life. If they hadn't tried to embrace failure, success would never have arrived in their life.
I don't believe in destiny. I don't believe that our future is written when we are born. I only believe in the fact that how we react to the situations today, its outcome becomes the future. It is purely the choices that you take today will reflect on you tomorrow. If you make a different choice, it will change the dynamics of your life.
Today, even I am in a kind of situation where everything seems blurry. Although, a few years ago when I decided to change the dynamics of my life, I thought I will stay away from the drama of my life for at least some time. But that's not the case.
Every time I decide to let out a sigh of relief, I am loaded with a few more battles to fight. If I decide today to stop trying, I will never get what I always aspired. And that's why I am still trying even though I don't know whether I will succeed or not. Maybe yes. Maybe no. But that I will get to know only when I keep on trying. Because that's what I have learnt from the story of these people. They had everything and in one stroke they lost everything and they kept on trying until the day they managed to build everything all over again.
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