A glimpse of the future...

It was another hot day, when he was roaming under the burning sun, his eyes analysing people around him with every blink of his eye while he paced through the staircase to find some shade.

But it didn't work for long and he was hungry, so he decided to eat a sub. Lots of veggies with chicken pieces and a glass of coke may help him fight through the summer, he thought.

He walked into Subway and placed his order, while he was waiting for his order he felt a pat on his shoulder; he turned around and he saw an old man with a huge smile on his face.

"Can I order too buddy?" Asked the old man

"Sure," he said and moved aside.

After a while, he took his order and sat on a corner table, carefully placing the glass of coke but happily tearing apart the paper cover of his sub. He was really hungry after all.

The old man came with his order and asked him, "Can I sit here, if you don't mind?"

He just passed a wry smile, not knowing whether to say yes or no. He wanted to say no, but he felt bad. He thought the old man might feel that he is being pushed away but saying yes felt too much for him to do. He just passed a half smile and the old man took it as his approval and sat down.

"You know I really enjoy eating sub and it is healthy too," the old man chuckled as he took a huge bite, mayonnaise dripping down his white beard. He wiped it with the tissue.

He didn't feel like making small talks at a time when he was getting late for work but was hungry at the same time.

There was an eerie silence for a while, people could hear only two souls chewing away their subs.

"How old are you?" The old man asked him

"Excuse me," he was taken aback

"How old are you, son?" The old man asked again

"27," he replied and continued eating his sub

The old man chuckled and said, "You know one day you are going to realise that whatever it is today that's bothering have literally no relevance on a bigger scale. You might be worried about a hell lot of things now only to realise a few good amount of years down the line that it was not required."

"Like how you look back now and feel, you were so stupid once. You are going to feel the same way when you attain some insanity in life and decide to just let it go," continued the old man.

"And what makes you think that the present is irrelevant and so the situations," he replied finally.

"Now you are talking. I didn't mean it that way, what I meant was maybe at the moment you are stressed with a lot of things. Maybe your head is overloaded with every kinds of shit but never fail to acknowledge the moment that you are living right now. Because maybe after say 30 years you must have made a hell lot of money but then you will not have much time to look for happiness," the old man said.

There was a brief pause. They both took a big bite.

"And one day when you will realise that you don't have much time left, you will start living like how I am living. Isn't it strange? That when we are alive we think about every single things except our own happiness or in order to fulfill the tasks of life, we never end up living the moment that we are having because the stress that you are carrying with yourself returns back to your home with you. And even though at night you want to shrug it off from your shoulder and have a nice meal with your girlfriend or wife or mother father or any family member or friends, the stress that came along with you, spoils the moment. You either end up sleeping with your worries or your guilt. That is what you need to learn," the old man said.

"And how this is going to find a solution for the situation that we are in?" He asked the old man

"As if brooding about it while having dinner is going to resolve the problem or cursing while sleeping is going to help. Live in the moment, breathe and feel lively. Whatever bad may happen today will be replaced with something better. That's how life works. But if you miss the time now it is never going to come back. You are never going to be 27 again, remember that. All you need to do is take a deep breathe, tell yourself that you will work a little more tomorrow to make things right and flash your smile. You never know how many people you may end up influencing or just making them happier if influence sounds like a negative term," the old man said and let out a sigh of relief and took his last bite.

He was thinking what the old man said and reflecting over it. "Now I shall leave you on your own. Don't forget to smile today, you have a beautiful one. In a hope to see you again, I would like that you will at least flash a smile when you see me again and not feel annoyed with a little extra energy that this old man is vibing out," the old man said and walked out of the outlet.

He sat there watching him go away and then looked down at his sub and suddenly felt happy about whatever just happened. He took a big bite when he spotted a piece of paper with something scribble over it.

"If you found this already, I must say I love your observation skills and if you hadn't then you must be thinking too much about who I was and why I stumbled upon you. I am you and you are going to be like me, if you continue not to live your moment now and regret later. Maybe this will bring a small glitch in the timeline and maybe the future might change but give life a try and shrug off your shoulder from the burden you are carrying," the note read.

Source: http://www.lovelyladie.com/2014/10/01/food-for-the-soul-live-freely/


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