
Showing posts from August, 2014

Disabled from Society...

Today after watching a glimpse of Accsex, a documentary by Shweta Ghosh I was left a little perturbed. The documentary talks about disabled people who are discarded from the society. It shows how they have dealt with their problem and what do they think about beauty and sexuality. I have never given this a thought, to be honest. How it feels like? How does it feel like when you can�t see anything around you? And you have to either accept what others tell you or never ask any questions. How does it feel like when you can talk but cannot listen to your own words? When you can see and listen but cannot speak. You are not able to even express yourself to anyone around you. It must be very frustrating.  And no one can ever understand the problems that they have to deal with in their daily life. This documentary shows how they have accepted their disability as a part of their life and how they have found a way to lead their life. The film-maker took the life of five women from Delhi, each su

Silent cry�

There are times in our life when we get affected by few things which we know is momentarily. That thing might never come again in front of us in future. But as humans few things aren�t in our control. I was in the metro, when I saw her. I was standing near the door, when my eyes caught her glimpse through the tinted window. The next moment, I turned around and that�s when our eyes met. There was something electrifying about her aura, her black dense hair kept coming in front of her eyes every time she moved and her kohl lined eyes had a world of its own. She wore a blue top over her black jeans with matching blue ear rings which looked quite appealing on her personality.   And then that moment arrived when the metro reached Rajiv Chawk, she lined up near the door to get down from the train. Every now and then our eyes met, the more I tried not to look at them, more they looked into mine. As usual there was a big crowd already waiting at the station to board the train. The irritating th

Challenge Accepted�

�What you do?� �I write.� �What do you write about?� �I write scripts for advertisement firm.� �I didn�t ask you what you do for a living. I want to know do you write anything for yourself.� This is a very famous cameo, done by Naseeruddin Shah in the movie Zindagi Na Milegi Doobara. It reminds of my current situation. Amidst the hustling-bustling of finding stories and meeting deadlines, I am left with no time to spare for my life. After joining Times group, my whole day goes by in search of some story and night passes in filing reports. I don�t know when I should write something for myself. Most importantly the question always is what to write. Although I am very much happy with the way my life is going. I always wanted this. I always wanted to do what I am doing every day. However the fact that I am not updating my blog disturbs me sometimes. Journalism is not about us, it�s about the people. The joy of writing something which reflects meaning of your life and expressing the feeling


I have heard the stories about Djinns when I was a kid. I even used to watch Aladdin and always expected Djinn to come out of a bottle and fulfill my crazy wishes. But I never heard about Djinn Pooja . On Thursday I got a chance to experience the thrill of Djinn Pooja and I was amazed to see the crowd. It happens every Thursday in Feroz Shah Kotla after 4:00 pm. From outside, it looked like another monument. But when I went inside, it was still. It was quite, pin drop silence prevailed and the darkness defined the presence of some soul. Although there were plenty of people, the stillness of the place had wrapped everyone in its silence. The place where people go and pray is underground. There are plenty of small caves and each cave is decorated with candles and flowers. Make a wish list and drop it there. That�s what people do. They come with a chit in their hand which holds their precious wishes scribbled in it. They all come and pray, while leaving, they all drop their wish list an